Сравнение версий


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  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.

Notions & Definitions

Customer: a site user who buys products on this site. The obligatory condition: site user must be logged on. Unless user is logged on, he/she is considered as a guest.

Agent: an individual or legal entity, an owner of the particular online store where an order is being placed. He/she is enabled to access site admin area (administrator panel) for configuring a store and processing orders.

Logistic Service: an intermediary between Agent and Taobao. It purchases products on Taobao as per Agent’s request and sends them to a customer via delivery services.

Product: an item that can be purchased by a customer on Agent’s site.

Order: a set of products that a customer puts into his/her shopping cart and confirms his/her intention to buy them. Therefore, an order consists of the products and acquires “Order” status only when it is placed by the customer (i.e. the shopping cart is empty and order line appears in «Active Orders» field). In addition, the cost of delivery services is included in the order price, since the customer chooses the required delivery option and pays for it.

Delivery means an order packed at Logistic Service warehouse and sent to a customer by delivery services.

Additional Order enables a customer to add a product to the order up to the moment the order status is changed to “Received at Warehouse” or cancelled by Agent or the customer.