Сравнение версий


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This page is where one can view orders selected by order number, by items or with the use of filters.

Navigate to: Orders in the administrative area of the website.

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Order management section consists of two main blocks:

  1. Orders filtering tools.

  2. A block where one can deal with the results of filtering: orders and items selected by applying filters.

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Filters provide a functionality that helps buyers find a particular order or group of orders by specified criteria. That is, in fact, filters are required to facilitate orders management and make a quick search for orders, for example, orders placed by your website customer Ivanov or all paid orders for a week, etc.


Next we will show how all filters as they follow in the “Orders” section work.


Date range

Orders can be filtered by date for:


To display orders for a certain period you should select the desired value from the dropdown list that appears after you’ve clicked the drop-down arrow:

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Click on the value you want on the dropdown list:

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Once you’ve clicked on the desired range it will appear in the row that contains dates.

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In addition, a possibility to assign a date range manually is provided.To  To do this, click on the row that contains a date to be altered and enter the wanted date:

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Alter the date in one or two data fields.

It is also possible to enter the date using the calendar; to this end, click on the “Calendar” icon next to a date you want to change:

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Select the desired day, month, year (a month or year are selected by clicking the right-hand or left-hand arrow next to a date.

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Once you’ve clicked on a day, the selected value will be put in the date range field automatically.

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You can alter the initial and/or final date in this way. 


It is possible to filter orders and items by customer data. i.e. view all orders and items of a particular customer.


  1. User ID.

  2. Surname.

  3. Telephone.

  4. E-mail.

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To fill in any of the fields you should click on it and type a value you need.

You can fill in just one field or all three fields to improve the accuracy of filtering (for example, if you have more than one Ivanov in your database you can make the search more specific by adding e-mail and/or phone to look for orders and items of a particular customer). 


This block is meant for filtering by order data: order number and status.

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Filtering by order number

To find an order by its number you need to enter the last digits of the order number other than zero (for example, if the order number is




0000000020 you should enter value



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After doing so, click the “Apply” button.

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An order you are looking for will show up on the orders list.

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Filtering by order status

If it is necessary to find all orders with a definite status you can select the desired status from the statuses list and apply a filter. 

Order statuses

  1. Awaiting payment

  2. Awaiting additional payment

  3. Paid

  4. Processing

  5. Additional order

  6. Processing at warehouse

  7. Ready for packing

  8. Ready to ship

  9. Shipped

  10. Completed

  11. Cancelled


To select the desired status you should check or uncheck the checkboxes (for example, you need all orders with a status of “Awaiting payment”):

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Check a checkbox to the left of a status name you need or uncheck those you needn’t at the moment.

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Click the “Apply” button.

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As a result, all orders in the selected status will be displayed on the “By orders” tab.

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One can also view all items chosen by definite statuses:

  1. Awaiting payment
  2. Paid
  3. Price confirmation
  4. OrderedGoods
  5. quality inspectionQuality control
  6. Received at warehouse
  7. PackingPacked
  8. Ready to ship
  9. ShippedPosted
  10. ReceivedCompleted
  11. Returned to vendorsupplier
  12. Impossible Unable to deliver
  13. Cancelled

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To select the status you need place the checkmarks (for example, you need all items marked as “Received at warehouse”“Received”).

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Place the checkmark to the left of a status name:

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Click the “Apply” button.

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As a result, all orders in the selected status will be displayed on the “By items” tab.


Resetting filters

If filter settings for orders and items are to be changed, one can either reset filters or narrow down the results of filtering.


Refining search results

If you need to refine your search further by adding some additional search criteria you should click on the dashed blue underlined text “All parameters”.

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Clicking it will present the user with filters options. Here you can specify additional parameters to view the desired items or orders once again.

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Clearing filters

To clear filters (when you want to see default data again) click the drop-down arrow which is on the “Apply” button on the right-hand side.

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Once you’ve clicked it, a dropdown menu will appear where you can see the “Clear filters” menu option.

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Clicking this menu item will restore filter parameters to the default state. 

Orders list


The orders list is displayed on the “By orders” tab. Here you can view orders that match the default filters parameters or the ones you selected (see the information on how filters work above).
