Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Navigate to: Orders > Order number in the administrative area of your website.

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Order summary


  1. Order status

  2. Order date (a date in the format dd.mm.yyyy and order creation time)

  3. Subtotal

  4. Amount paid/ remaining amount (total charged to customer/the amount paid by customer)

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Order summary shows the number of items in one status or the other. An order status can be viewed on the left-hand side while the associated number of goods for this status is shown on the right-hand side.

Customer information

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This section allows one to communicate with a customer and view customer information.


If any question arises, your website customer can submit a ticket (a message) to technical support from his/her personal area.

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All these tickets will be shown in the “Customer information” section on the order page. The green oval represents the number of new tickets. The grey oval represents the total number of tickets.

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To respond to a ticket (or initiate a conversation)

  1. Click on “Chat”.


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  2. Click the dashed blue underlined text “Add comment”.

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  3. Type a message in the text field that appears and click the “Add” button (if you want to send the message you wrote).

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After you’ve sent a message it will appear in the messaging section of the administrative area.

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And in customer’s personal area.

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Balance management

The “Customer information” section allows website customers to view a current balance, deposit money into account, withdraw money from account, or pay for an order.

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Depositing money into account


  1. Click the gear button (next to the sum of money representing current balance)

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  2. Select the “Deposit” from the drop-down menu that appears.

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  3. Fill out the form that appears.
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  4. Click the “Deposit” button (or “Cancel” if you don’t need to deposit money into account)

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When you are finished, customer balance will increase by the specified sum both in the administrative area

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And in the customer’s personal area.


  1. Click the gear button (next to the sum of money representing current balance)

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  2. Select the “Withdraw” from the drop-down menu that appears.

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  3. Fill out the form that appears.
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  4. Click the “Withdraw” button (or “Cancel” if you don’t need to withdraw money from account)

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When you’re done, customer balance will decrease by the specified sum both in the administrative area


  1. Click the gear button (next to the sum of money representing current balance)

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  2. Select the “Pay for order” from the drop-down menu that appears.

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  3. You will be prompted to confirm your choice. If you are sure you want to pay for the order click “Yes”.

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After that, the order status and statuses of all items it includes (which may be paid) will be updated to “Paid”.

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The customer will also see the modifications in his/her personal area.