Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Chosen interval period will be shown below in dates fields:

Click "Apply" Apply” button:

Click date field to set date range manually:


Do the same thing with interval end date and click "Apply" Apply” button:

Data table

All operations for chosen time period are available in the table with the following fields:

  1. Date - Date – shows date and time of operation.
  2. Login - Login – user login with whose account the operation was. You will be transferred to user personal page if you click login. 
  3. Sum - shown  shown in website internal currency. Green is deposit and red is withdrawal.
  4. Note. You can leave a comment on order page during deposit and withdrawal operations. This comment will be available here. A standard phrase (Order payment, Manual correction, etc.) is written if there is no comment.


Click "Export" Export” button to export data for certain time period:


Apply the same actions with end date of interval and click "Apply" Apply”:


Click "Export" Export” to export data for certain period:


  • Horizontal lines include data for each day of the month. One day can contain several lines.

and columns:

  • Date —  – dates are grouped by months and days.
  • Income Amount —  – amount of receipts to customers' personal accounts per day, including refunds from cancellations (in website internal currency).
  • Providers  — added  added if there are goods from different trade providers (Taobao, Warehouse, 1688, Yahoo Japan, etc.).
  • Currency —  – currency is indicated if receipts were in different currencies.
  • Orders Reserved Amount -  – amount withdrawn from customers' personal accounts for orders (in website internal currency).
  • Number of purchases —  – the amount of costs for the redemption of goods of Goods Provider (Taobao). Includes shipping within China (yuan).
  • Exchange rate —  – website internal currency exchange rate to yuan.
  • Purchase Amount — the – the amount of redemption costs (in website internal currency).
  • External Delivery Amount -—  – delivery expenses (for example: agent sent parcels, trunks, packed a truck during a day and wrote into this column - delivery expenses for this day were: ... I paid them on post or gave to truck driver).
  • Revenue difference between funds credited for orders and expenses for buying goods and external delivery.
  • Percentage of Profit percentage of income received from expenses for buying goods and external delivery.


View necessary date in column "Date" Date”:

Click necessary date. Detailed description will open:
