Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Location in admin panel: Catalog > Categories

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"Categories" “Categories” tab contains 3 main blocks:


Categories are visible when you enter "Categories" “Categories” tab:

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Subcategories are displayed by clicking "+" to the left of  root category:

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General actions


Click "Export categories" button to download catalog to computer:

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File in * .xml format will be downloaded to your computer after clicking. Catalog in new format, where language version will be indicated for each category:


  1. Click "Export categories" button:
    Image Removed
    Image Added

  2. Choose necessary file format in opened window (for example, .xml):

  3. Click chosen format and save file to computer.


  1. Click "Import categories" button:
    Image Removed
    Image Added

  2. Click "Choose file" button in opened window:
    Image Removed
    Image Added

  3. Choose file on your computer (recommended formats are *.xml and *.txt ) and click "Upload":
    Image Removed
    Image Added

Note: file import can take some time.

Besides, it's possible to make partial export and partial import of catalog. It's necessary if there is no opportunity or desire to upload the whole catalog because only one or two categories change. It is also convenient for agents with several trade providers: it is more convenient to export and import catalog of each trade provider into admin panel separately.

Work with partial export and partial import of export and partial import of catalog is described below (or by click on corresponding links).
