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Consider work of the plugin on the example of payments through SberbankPayPal.

Contact OT technical support or your manager in Skype to add other methods of accepting payments to the list.

Your buyer makes an order, draws it up and chooses Transfer to a Sberbank PayPal card, for example, at the payment stage.


A page appears with a message about payment details after clicking "Pay" button.

Your buyer goes to Sberbank PayPal (Online or through the terminal) and pays specified amount. He returns to the tab with this message and presses "Confirm" button when transfer is completed.


A record of made payment will appear in admin panel of OT Box.

Log into PayPal personal account of Sberbank After that, you need to log into Sberbank LC and find a payment to the buyer or otherwise after that and find buyer's payment or choose another way to make sure that the money has been credited was deposited to your account. When a Confirm payment is found, in the admin panel of the OT box you confirm receipt of the payment OT Box when payment is found and and the order is paid. 

После этого вам необходимо зайти в ЛК Сбербанка и найти платеж покупателя или иным способом удостовериться, что деньги поступили на ваш счет. Когда платеж найден, в админке Коробки ОТ подтверждаете получение платежа и заказ оплачивается.

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Если платеж в ЛК Сбербанка не найден (покупатель не совершил платеж), тогда запись можно отменить с помощью кнопки отмены в колонке «Действия».

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Подключение: Заявка в саппорт

Авторизуйтесь в службе технической поддержки OT Commerce, перейдите на страницу подачи заявки.

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Выберите «Подключение платёжной системы».

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Отобразится форма для подачи заявки на подключение.
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Entry can be canceled using cancel button in "Actions" column if payment is not found in PayPal personal account (buyer did not make payment).

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Connection: Request to support

Authorize in OT technical support and go to tickets page:

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Choose "Create ticket for service" -> "Connection of the payment system":

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A form for payment system connection will open.
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Click "Send" button after filling all fieldsПосле заполнения всех полей, нажмите кнопку «Отправить».