Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


  1. Import will continue as long as the page is open in the browser.
  2. If you refresh the page or log in again, you must click "Catalog import" button again to resume importing.
  3. In this case system will prompt you to select “New import” (Start import from the beginning) or “Continue import” (continue work from the point where the import was suspended).
  4. In some cases, “Failed to get "otapi_import_lock" on sql connection, another import is running" message may appear when import starts - this means that import has already started by another process, for example, via cron, or was launched earlier in another browser tab.
  5. Import via cron works cyclically, i.e. once completed, import will be started again. If you don’t need this behavior, you can disable import in module settings after a complete catalogue import: status field or simply set cron to a larger interval, for example, 1 week.
  6. "Root category" you write in the form otc-***. To get a list of website root categories, use this method http://docs.otapi.net/en/Documentations/Method?name=GetRootCategoryInfoList. To expand each category you make a separate request - http://docs.otapi.net/en/Documentations/Method?name=GetCategorySubcategoryInfoList
  7. You need to import only those goods, which  are needed and no more than 10 000 goods at a time. Plugin won't allow to upload more than 10 000 products at a time.


  1. Remove the task from cron to run product updates.
  2. Go to “Extensions” section → “Extensions” and click "Uninstall" button for "OT API Import" module.
  3. Go to “Extensions” section → “Installer" and click "Uninstall" button for "OT API Import" module.
  4. Go to “Extensions” section → “Modifications" and click "Update" button.
  5. Delete cli directory if you added it.