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1.     Find the site where you buy ssl certificate. Such sites are called centres ssl certificate. (There are free ssl certificates, but they are rarely fit for sites and also they have fewer functions. That’s why you’d better to buy ssl certificate.) For example https://www.cloudflare.com/en-au/plans/
2.     During issuing ssl-certificate it’s necessary to generate csr (certificate signing request). And the private key is generated simultaneously with the csr. Don’t forget to save csr request and the private key.
(If at the site where you’re going to buy ssl-certificate, there isn’t an opportunity to generate csr request, you can write in search bar of your browser following: “online csr generator”. And you find different site where you can generate csr request easely.)
3.     Usually centre ssl certificate sends all necessary files for installation ssl-certificate to your e-mail. Be sure to check you have the file of certificate with crt extension.
4.     For installation SSL certificate you need to write a ticket for service (Freestyle application form) in our support https://support.otcommerce.com.
In the subject of application write “Ask to install ssl-certificate and make redirect of all pages from http to https”.
If your site isn’t on our hosting, don’t forget to provide access to your hosting.
Also provide all ssl-certificate files and the private key. For ex. you can load ssl-certificate files and the private key on google-disk. And send these links in the ticket(application) or you can send them in your skype-chat, and managers of client support attach all files in the ticket by themselves.

Rules of updating customized sites.

Attention! Manual updating of the site, i.e. unpacking of updating zip-archive on the hosting server in the site root folder isn’t updating, as scripts weren’t run for complete updating of the site, which can be done only in admin panel.

First of all it’s necessary to check for [B]templatescustom/ and blockscustom//B] folders, in updating sites in which were made changes regarding to their displaying and/or added external modules. And all changed templates and other changed files are only in these folders.
The next step is saving all files from templatescustom/,blockscustom/, themes/name-theme/viewscustom/ folders to your computer and after that you need to rename and delete these folders from hosting.
Then you can check the possibility of updating in admin panel (Configuration – System – Update).

If after clicking on this
Image Added
you see “update is available”, so you can update your site.
After updating check operation of the site and return templatescustom/, blockscustom/ and themes/имя-темы/viewscustom/ folders on hosting.

It should be noted that it’s very important to run update via admin panel, that scripts of update are run and complete update in all.

When update was done, it is necessary to move customization from old customized templates in templates, which were got after updating and put them in customized folders.
 We don’t accept claims for errors on the site, if the process of updating was without the last step (moving customization in new templates). Because in this case the process of updating is incomplete.

If your site has deep customization, you should apply to our support https://support.otcommerce.com/en, but the service is paid.