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“Service Statistics” section helps you to monitor the Opentao services requests statistics, to monitor statistics of OpenTrade Commerce services requests, review translated data volume, to estimate caching efficiency and to be aware of  the valid current service tariff rate you are currently subscribed connected to.

To enter the “Service Statistics” section you should get the access to the site admin area and then choose “Service Statistics” menu option (3rd row, 4th left button).


The “Service Statistics” section contains the following information:

  1. Your tariff
  2. Turnover ratio (%)
  3. Statistics Parameters:
  • Number of requests to services
  • The total volume of the translated texts (in symbols)
  • Text volume translated by outer automatic translator (in symbols)
  • The product source caching efficiency (Taobao requests)

Service Payment Tariffs

Basic service payment tariffs

  • “Sandbox”
  • “Startup”
  • “Call”
  • “Turnover”

Visit link http://opentao.net/terms-and-prices/service-payments.html for current tariffs, prices and terms of use

Statistics Parameters

Statistics Parameters are displayed as per certain time interval: day, week, month and total amount. Let’s review service statistics parameters in details.


Number Of Requests To Services

Your site gets all the data from Taobao (products, prices, description, and etc.) through Opentao Platform services.

A call means every single access to those services. For example, when the customer opens a product card, the site requests the product information. The Platform counter identifies it as a call.

Some Opentao tariffs are based on the aforecited principle, thus the number of calls may affect your  choice of the particular tariff. If you have just started working with the site and number of calls is quite a few, it makes sense to apply the call-oriented tariffs. If the number of your site visitors is significant and it is constantly increasing, pay attention to “Turnover” tariff. Description and tariffs terms are available here:http://opentao.net/terms-and-prices/service-payments.html.

Translated Texts Total Volume (in symbols) and the Text Translated by Outer Automatic Translator (in symbols)

The text content is included into every product card: product name, characteristics, description and other texts written in Chinese. Opentao Platform services cover the expenses on translation of these. The sections “Translated Texts Total Volume” and “Texts Volume Translated by Outer Automatic Translator” show the volume of the texts translated while the customer was browsing the products.

Please note that Google automatic translation costs $20 per 1 million symbols. These values indicate the sum you would spend if you were subscribed to Google TranslateBesides, the service statistics indices show site translation volume made by Google Translate for the language that is not available in Opentao Box.

Products Source Caching Efficiency (Taobao requests)

Location in the admin area: Reports > Service statistics

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General information

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“Service Statistics” section contains information about service payment rate website is connected to. There are the following service payment rates at the moment:

  1. Sandbox.

  2. Call.

  3. Turnover .

You can check current rates, cost and terms of use here: https://en.otcommerce.com/products/service-payments

General information will contain certain information depending on your service payment rate:

  1. Rate (title)
  2. Request limit (for Sandbox and Call rates).
  3. Turnover percentage (for Turnover rate).
  4. Cost of 1 request in $ (for Call rate).

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Service statistics

Statistics parameters are displayed by time intervals: per day, per month and total.

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Calls detalization (Calls)

All data from providers (goods, prices, descriptions, etc.) and users' date are received through OT Platform services.

Services handle catalog, goods cards, show categories list, provide goods search and buyer information, etc.

Call is request to these services. 

Call is rate – это каждое обращение к этим сервисам. For example, user opens product page, site requests information about this product, counter defines it as 1 call.

Services are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Total calls.
  2. Paid calls.

Total calls

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Total calls section contains information on paid and free calls and show total load your site receives and OT Services.

Free calls section includes data requests of admin panel, users' data, their shopping carts with goods, orders.  

Users also use free calls when authorise and visit their personal account and sopping cart, for example. All other calls are paid ones.

Paid calls 

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Paid calls are those that give information from providers (search, categories, product card). This information includes goods cards, categories and search. 

Part of OT Commerce service payment rates are based on this principle, therefore number of calls can define service payment rate choice.

It's reasonable to start with service payment rate based on number of calls if you just started working with website and number of calls is insignificant.

It's reasonable to start with  service payment rate based on turnover if there are many users on your website and number of calls is significant. 

Check service payment rates and their descriptions.


Thus, it turns out: we take a call as a paid one if OT Box “takes” something from Goods Provider (for example, Taobao). Paid call influences service payment sum. We take a call as a free one if OT Box takes something from its database.

Total amount of texts translated (in characters)

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Each product card includes text content: product title, characteristics, description and other texts in Chinese. All these texts are translated at the expense of OT platform services . “Total amount of texts translated (in characters)” and “ Amount of texts automatically translated by external translator (in characters)” sections  show volume of texts translated while the customer was browsing products.

Note – automatical translation by Google costs 20$ for each million of symbols. This information shows how much you could pay if you connected Google translate service. At the same time, service statistics data allow you to understand the amount of website translation by Google translator into inavailable language.

Efficiency of caching the goods origin (Taobao requests)

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When composing the product card, Taobao site is accessed five times (product, shipping cost, discount, seller’s details, seller’s listings) . Descriptions when composing product card. Plus goods descriptions and reviews are also taken from Taobaogoods provider. It usually takes some time to receive data. Frequent requests this information. In addition, frequent calls to Taobao for that kind of such information are highly unadvisable. The caching very undesirable.Caching system is provided to accelerate speed up the acquisition of the required information from Taobao. The data Data received earlier from Taobao is stored there.

There is a cache where data from Taobao is stored to shorten information delivery time and “not to make Taobao nervous”. Data is updated approximately once a day (data that have to be updated with longer time interval is updated less frequently).

Efficiency of caching the goods origin (Taobao requests) shows the amount of information (%) taken from cache instead of requesting Taobao directly.

To shorten information delivery time and not to get on Taobao’s “nerves” there is a cache where data from Taobao stored. Data is updated approximately once a day (the data that have to be updated with longer time interval is updated less frequently).
