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Image Added

The version 1.2.6.update introduced the capability to create your own custom themes.


  1. Create a folder.
  2. Place all necessary styles and images in the folder.
  3. Mandatory files:
    1. custom-<THEME_NAME>.css the main stylesheet should be called the same as a theme.
    2. custom-< THEME_NAME >.jpg  - large image for a theme.
    3. custom-< THEME_NAME >-preview.jpg small image for a theme.
    4. name.txt contains a theme name to be displayed in the administrative area of your website.
    5. Navigate to the “Configuration” section of the new administrative area, search for a new custom theme in the list of available ones. Activate it.
    6. Now all stylesheets will be added ONLY from this folder.

Customized website owners can update their websites with no trouble. Updates do not affect themes created in these folders.

One should use the following files to check whether a custom theme exists and can be loaded:
