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Popular goods are the items your customers are most interested in. Goods collection is filled in automatically based on your site statistics.

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You can specify the number of Popular goods for the home page in Configuration → Website configuration → Home page section.

Add goods to collection

Goods collection is filled in automatically based on your site statistics. You can influence collection contents with the help of Restrictions. However, goods restriction for display will affect “Popular goods” collection as well as the item itself in the catalog (for example, the item cannot be ordered if the permission to purchase is not configured in advance).

Display “Popular goods” on the home page

You can specify the number of Popular goods for the home page in Configuration → Website configuration → Home page section.

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You can set any number of items but we recommend no more than 20 to make website quicker, as well as no less than 8 to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the home page.

Design of collection and location on the home page depend on website design.

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Clear popular goods collection



Clearing a collection does not transfer items to the black list (Restrictions), as “Delete” button does!

You can delete all goods from collection with "Clear collection" button. Clearing a collection does not affect items in any way.

Open “Popular goods” in Catalog → Collections → Popular goods section:

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Click "Clear collection" button.

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Since this action is irreversible (it will not be possible to restore the collection after cleaning), you must confirm action by clicking "Yes" button (or "Cancel" button if you change your mind).

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"Popular goods" collection will be built from scratch after cleaning.

Working with collection goods

Edit item

You can edit goods in “Popular goods” collection — change name, description and also item photo which will be shown on the home page.


Since the collection is created automatically, sooner or later the item may disappear from it, ceasing to be popular. However, even after disappearing from the collection, the item will remain edited.

We recommend editing “Popular goods” to make it easier for your customers to browse and select a item. After all, you can customize title, description and photo to suit your target audience.

Open “Popular goods” collection in Catalog → Collections → Popular goods section.

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Click "Edit" button (with a pencil image) in the upper right corner above the item.

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A form will open where you can edit item name, description and also upload another photo of the item which will become the main one.

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Add necessary corrections and click "Save" button.

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After saving changes will be visible on website and admin panel in “Popular goods” collection and item card.

Swap goods

It's impossible to swap goods.

Item position in collection is determined by site statistics which puts the most Popular goods in the first places.

Delete item from collection

You can “Remove” goods from collection not to show certain types of items in this block (for example, items for adults or certain brands).

However, the item will not be deleted at all, it will go to the list of items Restrictions.

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Restrictions items are not allowed for sale by default, but sale can be allowed without returning them to the home page of the site.

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We recommend setting up a restriction to display through a item category (for example, adult items, alcohol, etc.) or through a brand (for example, H&M, Adidas, etc.) if you don't want to display a whole group of items on the home page.

Delete item from collection. Open “Popular goods” collection in Catalog → Collections → Popular goods section:

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Select item you want to delete and click "Delete" button (cross in the right corner above the item).

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You must confirm action by clicking "Yes" button (or "Cancel" button if you change your mind).

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The item will be moved to Restrictions item list. You can bring it back in Catalog → Restrictions → Goods section.

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