Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.

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Location in admin panel: Catalog› Collections › Brands

Brands collections can be viewed in “Popular brands” subsection of “Brands” section.

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And also on the homepage:

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Show or hide brands

It's necessary to configure brands display in Homepage (Configuration) section to show them on the home page: 

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You can configure the list brands, as well as their names and search engine optimization in Catalog → “Brands” section.

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You can restrict brands in Catalog → Restrictions → Brands section:

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Language version of collection

Select language version before preparing a collection of brands. You can make your own collection for each language. 

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Language version is selected by clicking on the language from the list. You can set the list in Configuration → Languages → Multilingualism section

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Add brand to collection

Open Catalog → Collections → Brands section to add recommended brands on the home page:

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You can add by two ways: “from list” and by brand link.

Add from brands list

Set up the list in Catalog → “Brands” section first:

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Click “from list” in Catalog → Collections → Brands section: 

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Select necessary brands by mouse click:

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Click "Add" button when you select necessary brands in checkboxes next to the brands:

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Brands will be added to collection:

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Brands will be also added to "Popular brands" section on the home page.

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Add by link to brand

You can also add brand by link or id. First, let's see where you can get a link to a brand or its id.

Open home page of your website and add /brands in address bar.

Click "Enter" on your keyboard and a page with all available brands will open:

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Click necessary brand.

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You can copy the whole link on the brand page or only its id (marked red. Value after brand=).

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Add the link or id in admin panel on "Popular Brands" page. Click "by link".

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Add link or brand id into the field.

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Click "Add" and brand will be added to collection.

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If while adding brands you get “All brands are already in collection” message:

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But you want more brands, then you need to add them through “Brands” tab:

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Change order in brands list

Click the cross with arrows to the left of the brand to change brands order in "Popular brands" list.

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Drag selected brand to new location without releasing mouse button.

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Release mouse button. Brand changed order. Click "Save order" button to save changes:

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Order is saved both in the admin panel and on the site after clicking the button.

Delete brand from collection

Click "Delete" (a red cross) button to remove brand from "Popular brands" list:

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Confirm choice by clicking "Yes" button:

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Brand will be removed from "Popular brands" collection after confirmation. 

You can easily turn it back using “Add…” button since you delete record from collection only instead of brand itself.

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Clear popular brands collection

You can use special button in the right part of the page to clear collection completely.

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Collection will be completely cleared after clicking if you confirm action and click "Yes" button.