Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.
Important: Previously, the key limit was 5000 products, now it has decreased to 1000 products. As soon as the purchase reaches 1000 products, you need to create a new key
  1. Follow the link https://open.1688.com/solution/detail?spm=a260s.26056301.0.0.6cc455edYW2sHt&key=1613638539385 Click on the orange button at the top.

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       2. Click order test at the end of the line.

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       3. Describe your business activities. Attach a company logo.

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   4.     The test key for Autopurchase was created successfully.

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   5.    Return to the created test key for autopurchase and scroll down the page

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   6.    You need to click on the blue button below.

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   7.    Select section  4 to configure the key for autopurchase.

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   8.    Select the first button.

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   9.    Select Websocket, click on the blue button below and exit.

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  10.   Now select the second button and indicate your account ID where you will buy products on the original website

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  11.   Now select the third button, select all the commands and click on the area where there is a check mark on the screen

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  12.   Confirm sending the test commands with the blue button and exit.

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  13.   Exit the settings and click on the blue button on the screen (the translated page is in English in the screenshot) and that’s it

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14.    You should have completed step 2 of the test and that's it.

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  15.    Next, you need to go to Admin-Plugins-Autopurchase-Settings for provider 1688 and specify the key and secret key. After authorization from the Admin panel  on the provider’s website, you  can purchase goods through Autopurchase

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