Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Location in admin panel: Orders > Order number in your website admin panel.

This page allows to view details of orders. “Parcels” tab.

Location in admin panel: Orders > Order number in your website admin panel.

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This tab displays parcels to be shipped to a customer. 


Every parcel has its parcel number and provides information about items quantity it includes.

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General information about the parcel:

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And also the list of items that this parcel includes:

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There are two ways to create a parcel:

  1. Using “Parcels" tab.

  2. Using “Items” tab.

Click Click “Create” button  button if you’d like to add all items into one parcel. Go to the tab with products list, select the products you need to add into the parcel and use use "Create parcel" group  group function if if you need to add some items into a parcel.


You can't create a parcel if goods status is any except: "Received at warehouse" or "Ready to ship"

Click “Create” button to make a parcel:

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A parcel was created successfully if the following block appears on “Parcels” tab.


Create parcel with some items of


the order

Make the following steps if you need to create several parcels from one order:

  1. Create a parcel and move goods and move goods to different parcels (for a detailed description see see "Move an item to a new parcel").

  2. Go to “Items” tab and create a parcel by selecting items.


Manage parcels

Edit parcel

Click "Edit" button to add or edit parcel information:

A form to edit parcel information will open:

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Enter or edit parcel information:

  1. Tracking number (i.e. number used to to to to track parcel in delivery service).

  2. Delivery method (select necessary delivery method from dropdown list to list to destination point(customer)).

  3. Weight (enter weight if it differs from the stated one).

  4. Fee (specify cost for for delivering parcel to destination point (customer)).

  5. Parcel size (parcel size in centimeters).

  6. Additional information (any additional additional information on a parcel not specified in other fields).

Add tracking number (number used to track


parcel in delivery service)

Click "Edit" button in "Parcels" tab:


For convenience, it is possible to connect integration with the delivery service in website admin panel which will allow to open a window with parcel status after clicking a tracking number, without throwing it to a third-party site.

Edit parcel status

You can edit parcel status just like for goods or an order, marking processing stage.


Click "Edit" button in "Parcels" tab:

Find "Delivery method" :


Select necessary delivery method from drop-down list:


It is calculated automatically depending on on External Delivery settings settings

Edit fee if you need to make changes manually:


Make sure the address is correct:

  1. Country.

  2. .

  3. City.

  4. Address.

  5. Zip/Postal code.

Make sure the recipient personal data   customer's personal data is correct:

  1. First Last name.Last

  2. First name.

  3. Patronymic.

  4. Telephone.

  5. Phone number.

  6. INN (if available)

  7. Passport data

  8. Registration address

Edit info Make modifications if required.

You can change customer's profile (with delivery address and other data) if he has several:

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Click "Save" button after making all changes:

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Items in the parcel: remove unnecessary items or check

Ensure that the goods list of items in a parcel is accurate and complete (uncheck the checkboxes in case you don’t need one or another item).

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When the list of items is checked and edited click Click “Save” button at the bottom of the page when goods list is checked and edited.


Print invoice

You can print an invoice for a created parcel.

Click the “Print invoice” button:

Once you’ve clicked this button the appropriate form will appear in the a new window.


Распечатать опись

Для того, чтобы распечатать опись посылки, нажимаем кнопку «Опись»:

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Откроется страница с описью товаров:

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Для распечатки нажмите две кнопки на клавиатуре сразу: Ctrl и P

Deleting a parcel

To delete a created parcel please perform the following steps:

Print inventory

Click "Print inventory" button:

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A page with an inventory of goods will open:

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Press two buttons on the keyboard at once: Ctrl and P to print.

Delete parcel

Please perform the following steps to delete a parcel:

Click Click the “Remove” button.

If Click “Yes” if you are sure you want to delete the this parcel click “Yes”. If Click “Cancel” if you don’t need to delete it click “Cancel”.

Once you’ve deleted the parcel the “parcels” “Parcels” tab will be empty and after you delete the parcel and you can create a new parcelone.



Move item to


new parcel

If Perform the following steps if you need to move an item to a new parcel or delete it from the created one do the following:

Choose the Select necessary item by ticking the checkbox next to it.

Click the gear button.

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Click the “Move to new parcel” button.


Confirm your choice.

Once this is done, the new parcel is will be created automatically and there you can find it will contain the item you’ve just moved.