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We are actively working towards improving OT platform and increasing the speed of product updates. Therefore, we have developed an additional tool that will help you almost instantly and independently update those products you need right now.
We present to your attention OT Product Data Collector — a plug-in for Google Chrome browser that collects up-to-date information about products when browsing marketplaces and transfers it to OT database.
If you install the plugin in your Google Chrome browser, then all the products you open on the original marketplaces will be sent to our system and updated in our database for some time, usually within a few seconds.
At the moment, the plugin only affects product pages of Taobao / Tmall. We will expand its functionality in the future. You don't have to reinstall it, Google Chrome updates plugins automatically.
Follow the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/d...afjnllnpcljhfa to install the plugin
This tool is auxiliary for our system operation. It will help you to receive information about those products that are not yet in our database or information about them is not relevant.

Important! For correct work of this plugin you must disable auto-translation in the browser settings, if you are using it. In any case, product price will be updated even if auto-translation is enabled, but the rest of the data may not be updated.

We also have more good news. Some time ago, combined text search was enabled in our system for all providers, which also uses product characteristics and not just its name, as it was before. Search results of your online store will now additionally take into account all the keywords entered by the seller into product characteristics.    Contact your Skype chat for all questions.

Search setting

We upgraded the search by phrase.
By default the search works the following way: the system counts numbers of words in a phrase and searches by these words minus one word.
For example:
Phrase: 跨境双肩包 usb (Cross-border backpack USB) consists of three words;
The search is performed as any two words:
«Cross-border backpack», «backpack USB», «Cross-border USB» and so on.
We upgraded the functional of search, added the following settings:

  • strict search (search by all phrases): If a search phrase contains 3 words, in this case the system searches on all these words. Search results will be less, but they will be more accurate.
  • search minus 2 words: If a search phrase contains 3 words, so we subtract 2 words, and the search searches on any word of this search phrase. For ex. «Cross-border backpack USB» search phrase. The system will search on any word of the search phrase: «Cross-border» or «backpack», or «USB». The search results will be more, but less accurate.

These settings can be applied for each trade provider separately.
You can enable this setting in admin panel here:
Configuration -> Instance configuration -> Search products -> Text search accuracy.

A new system for translating information

We developed a new system for translating information from Chinese into all other languages available in OT platform (the main ones are English and Russian) for the products of the following providers: Taobao, 1688, JD, Amazon China.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it will be included into OT platform from February 1st, 2023. All translations of Chinese providers will now be carried out through our new development, and not Google Translate. In cases where our system considers that new translation is insufficient for some text, translation will be performed the same way.
Currently, new translations are available for some categories of goods, mainly clothing. You can check translation on our demo site, for example:

You can also search for any other products from the clothing categories and rate their translation.
We will carry on improving translations for all product categories.
Please contact your skype chat if you have any questions.
