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"Selector" module allows you to create virtual categories (collections) in the catalog , and fill them with any goods piece by piece individually (upload it by link or from a file) and display show collections on the homepagehome page.  The The most obvious example is seasonal offers. 

You With the help of "Selector" module you can also edit correct translation and description of for each product and even upload a photo taken by you. The module is appropriate for specialized stores and may be helpful in driving your sales activity for specific categories of goods available in a storeyour own photo with the help of  "Selector". This module is suitable for both specialized stores and for promoting sales of certain categories of goods with a full range.

Specialization is the main trend in worldwide e-commerce and you can take advantages of it now. All you need to do is to find your competitive niches, create collections of cool goods and display them on the homepage. You can generate your site visitors’ demand by controlling goods supply and increase your e-store sales volume with this module.



“Selector” is an optional (it is not provided in any Box version) and paid module that helps to promote your business.


Please contact OT Commerce manager via Skype and follow the instructions you’ve been provided if you would like to purchase this module.


Refer to http://en.docs.otcommerce.com/display/OTENGLISHDOCS/Selector+module for detailed information how to configure module and work with it.

Reviews by agents in the forum

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(Follow the link if necessary: http://forum.otcommerce.com/forums/showthread.php?p=17851#post17851)


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