Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Enter zero "0" and save if you decide to remove restriction on order cost. Then it will be possible to make purchases for any amount.

Order prefix

It is necessary for identification of your orders by shipping company. Consists of 3 characters of the Latin alphabet. ORD by default.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Enter new value:

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Save new value, clicking check marked button

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.


We recommend leaving this default value.

Reset button to default value

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It is displayed in "Orders" section of admin panel, in "Order number" column:

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This order number is also available to customer in his personal account.

Passport data in user profile (Box version 1.12.1 and higher)

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You can enable or disable in “User Profile” section on the same page below:

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Hide Middle name (Box version 1.11.1 and lower)


Customer data setting will be on the same page, but lower in “User Profile” block if Box version is 1.12.1 and higher

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Making orders for out-of-date product data

Goods in the basket are checked (availability, prices, etc.) during checkout.


Customer makes an order: goods are checked and up-to-date information is collected

Сheck is attempted several times, if not obtained - used what is available

Attempt to get up-to-date information. Customer will see an error if attempt failed.
Order is made?YesNo
What to do next?

Work with a client is in process: you can offer a similar product or agree on a different price if in the end there is no product or price is different.

An "abandoned cart" message will appear if customer leaves after a failed checkout. Customer will be reminded by email.

It will be possible to offer a similar product if a Client writes to you in support.


It is used only if products could not be updated within a reasonable time: system will try to get the actual data about the product several times. The last collected data about the product (quantity, configuration, cost, etc.) will be used if attempt failed. Any problems with providers will prevent you from placing orders if prohibited.

Open "Configuration → Orders → General" section 

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Find "line

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Select from drop-down list: you need to allow or disallow this option.

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Save choice clicking checkmark button

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Changes take effect immediately. You can change your choice at any time.

Order prefix

It is necessary for identification of your orders by shipping company. Consists of 3 characters of the Latin alphabet. ORD by default.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Enter new value:

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Save new value, clicking check marked button

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.


We recommend leaving this default value.

Reset button to default value

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It is displayed in "Orders" section of admin panel, in "Order number" column:

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This order number is also available to customer in his personal account.

Passport data in user profile (Box version 1.12.1 and higher)

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You can enable or disable in “User Profile” section on the same page below:

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Hide Middle name (Box version 1.11.1 and lower)


Customer data setting will be on the same page, but lower in “User Profile” block if Box version is 1.12.1 and higher

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You can hide customer's middle name in personal account, when placing an order, when registering if it is not used when sending an order. This will make checkout and registration a little easier for customer.

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Click blue dotted line to show (or hide) this feature:

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Select necessary option from drop-down list.

Save choice clicking check marked button.

Middle name is not shown after saving if you select "Hide" option.

Payment by cash

It must be enabled if payment by cash is available on your website as well as payment systems. Then this payment method will be offered to the customer when paying for the order.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving. Your customer will see new payment option during checkout if you enabled cash payment.

Open payment in new window

Payment system will open in a new browser window and will allow customer to deposit funds to his account without closing website.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.

Original package

The option allows customer either to keep or reject goods original package.

  • It is applied at checkout to all goods.
  • Original packaging is sometimes removed to reduce goods weight in the order and reduce shipping cost.

Customer decides to keep original packaging or reject when he selects delivery options:

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Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Click blue dotted line to show (or hide) this feature:

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Select necessary option from drop-down list:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Middle name is not shown after saving if you select "Hide" option.

Payment by cash

It must be enabled if payment by cash is available on your website as well as payment systems. Then this payment method will be offered to the customer when paying for the order.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving. Your customer will see new payment option during checkout if you enabled cash payment.

Open payment in new window

Payment system will open in a new browser window and will allow customer to deposit funds to his account without closing website.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.

Original package

The option allows customer either to keep or reject goods original package.


Customer decides to keep original packaging or reject when he selects delivery options:

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Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.

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Mandatory postal code (Box version 1.11.1 and below)


Customer data setting will be on the same page, but lower in "User Profile" block if OT Box version is 1.12.1 and higher.

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Customer won't be able to make an order without specifying postal code if postal code is set as required in admin panel. "Postal code" field will be marked as required when placing an order.

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You can disable it if postal code is not required for making an order.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:Image Removed

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

Image RemovedImage Added

Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving:.

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Order Insurance (%)

Indicated by a number from 1 to 99.


Customer sees final cost of delivery with insurance - insurance is added to delivery cost.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Add order insurance %:


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Mandatory postal code (Box version 1.11.1 and below)


Customer data setting will be on the same page, but lower in "User Profile" block if OT Box version is 1.12.1 and higher.

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Customer won't be able to make an order without specifying postal code if postal code is set as required in admin panel. "Postal code" field will be marked as required when placing an order.

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You can disable it if postal code is not required for making an order.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu.

Save choice clicking check marked button.

Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.

Order Insurance (%)

Indicated by a number from 1 to 99.


Customer sees final cost of delivery with insurance – insurance is added to delivery cost.

Save choice clicking check marked button:


Changes will take effect immediately after saving.


Client made an order which you have not sent yet. Customer wants to add goods into it. We recommend to show "reordering" if it is profitable for you to reorder. Then customer will be able to add goods to his order until certain moment (for example, if the parcel is formed in the warehouse, then reordering does not work anymore).

Customer sees "Select from the list of existing" or "Create new order" when making an order if reordering is allowed and only "Create new order" if reordering is forbidden:

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Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Add order insurance %:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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 Image Added

Changes will take effect immediately after saving.

Money output

You can enable this feature if you allow deposit funds as well as money output by customer. It is profitable only in case money output commission is beyond customer or is minimal for you. In addition, it is important to remember that if your funds are deposited / withdrawn in one currency and you work in another, then the amount may change (and not always in your favor). You can smooth out fluctuations influence in exchange rates using "Converter 2.0" module.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.

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Weight selection at checkout

This setting allows customer to adjust weight order himself.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.

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Delivery options at checkout

This setting will help if you have several delivery options to the customer but should hide them for some reason. More flexible delivery settings are provided by "PROdelivery" module.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.

User profile (OT Box version 1.12.1 and higher)

Set up required profile fields for your customers.

  • Last name
  • Name
  • Middle name
  • TIN
  • Country
  • City
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • Phone
  • Passport number
  • Passport issue date
  • Registration address

Click necessary field from the list on the left to enable or disable field:

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You can change field title if you click it:

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Add new title and save by check marked button:

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Select "State of profile field" to enable or disable the field:

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You will be offered 2 or 3 options for the field state depending on the field:

  1. Disabled — customer won't see it
  2. Enabled — customer will seet it but field is optional
  3. Enabled and required — customer will see it and field is required

Select appropriate state of the field and save choice.

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Client made an order which you have not sent yet. Customer wants to add goods into it. We recommend to show "reordering" if it is profitable for you to reorder. Then customer will be able to add goods to his order until certain moment (for example, if the parcel is formed in the warehouse, then reordering does not work anymore).

Customer sees "Select from the list" or "Create new order" when making an order if reordering is allowed and only "Create new order" if reordering is forbidden:

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Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.

Hide money output

You can enable this feature if you allow deposit funds as well as money output by customer. It is profitable only in case money output commission is beyond customer or is minimal for you. In addition, it is important to remember that if your funds are deposited / withdrawn in one currency and you work in another, then the amount may change (and not always in your favor). You can smooth out fluctuations influence in exchange rates using "Converter 2.0" module.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.

Hide selection page weight (ordering)

This setting allows customer to adjust weight order himself.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.

This setting will help if you have several delivery options to the customer but should hide them for some reason. More flexible delivery settings are provided by "PROdelivery" module.

Click blue dotted line to change value:

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will take effect immediately after saving.

User profile (OT Box version 1.12.1 and higher)

Set up required profile fields for your customers.

  • Last name
  • Name
  • Middle name
  • TIN
  • Country
  • City
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • Phone
  • Passport number
  • Passport issue date
  • Registration address

Click necessary field from the list on the left to enable or disable field:

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You can change field title if you click it:

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Add new title and save by check marked button:

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Select "State of profile field" to enable or disable the field:

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You will be offered 2 or 3 options for the field state depending on the field:

  1. Disabled — customer won't see it
  2. Enabled — customer will seet it but field is optional
  3. Enabled and required — customer will see it and field is required

Select appropriate state of the field and save choice.

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All fields in this block are configured in the same way. Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving settings.

Types of sales

Click "Allow" if you want to sell goods by auction (price is not fixed and depends on choice of other customers on Taobao).

We do not recommend “Allow” to purchase goods using the auction method because price is not set and can vary (it can start from 1 yuan and grow up to 1000 at the auction). However, feel free to enable this setting  if your business model implies an auction.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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All fields in this block are configured in the same way. Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving settings.

Types of sales

Select Click "Allow" if you want to sell goods by auction (price is not fixed and depends on choice of other customers on Taobao).We do not recommend “Allow” to purchase goods using the auction method because price is not set and can vary (it can start from 1 yuan and grow up to 1000 at the auction). However, feel free to enable this setting  if your business model implies an auctionwithout local delivery. We recommend to allow as many goods are delivered free of charge.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.


Used items

Select "Allow" if you want to sell goods without local delivery. We recommend to allow used goods (goods quality and the degree of wear is described by seller and may differ from expected one).

We recommend "Forbid" to avoid unnecessary problems, because most often the wear rate and quality are overstatedas many goods are delivered free of charge.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.

Used items

Select "Allow" if you want to sell used goods (goods quality and the degree of wear is described by seller and may differ from expected one).

We recommend "Forbid" to avoid unnecessary problems, because most often the wear rate and quality are overstated.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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 Image Added

Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.

Temporarily out of stock


Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):


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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:


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Save choice clicking check marked button:


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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.



to be displayed

You decide if you sell goods restricted to be displayed or notFor example, you can restrict "Products for adults" display but allow adding them to the cart and making an order.
Goods and categories are set in "Limitations" section.

Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.

This section allows not to display items added in "Limitations" section.


Product will be semi-transparent in the product lists and message “Product is not allowed to be sold by site administration” will be displayed in the product card if you set "Display".

"Goods “Goods are prohibited for sale by site administration" administration” will be displayed in goods lists (in catalog and in search results) instead of goods if they are hiddenProduct link is missing. User will be redirected if, nevertheless, he follows product link:


Click blue dotted line to start using this feature (or disable):

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Select necessary option from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Changes will appear on the site immediately after saving.

Basket and favorites

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Maximum number of items in favorites

It is important not to overload pages with information for website efficiency. For example, it may happen that customer won't be able to open a page with favorite goods (for example, if there are more than 1000 of them, it depends on which server your site is located. After all, the more products the slower your website pages load. Customer can cancel purchase if it takes much time to load page). We recommend limiting number of goods in your favorites to avoid this problem.


Click blue dotted line to set necessary value:

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Set necessary value (recommended value is 1000 or less. The more goods - the slower page loads):

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Save necessary value clicking check marked button:

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Maximum number of items in shopping cart


Click blue dotted line to set necessary value:

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Set necessary value (recommended value is 1000 or less. The more goods - the slower page loads):

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Save necessary value clicking check marked button:

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Weight which will be set by default



Vendor's weight (real) 

Approximate weight 

Absense of weight (zero) 

Selected item has vendor's weight and approximate weight Image RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage Added
Selected item has only approximate weight without vendor's weightImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage Added
Selected item does not have weight at all: neither vendor's nor approximate Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed's nor approximate Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Click blue dotted line to set default weight:

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Select necessary value in drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Default weight

This weight is used if there is no exact or approximate value.

Click blue dotted line to set default weight:

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Select necessary value in drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Notification about abandoned cart

There is "Notification “Notification about abandoned cart" cart” option to remind customer by email on left goods in the shopping cart and push him to make an order on your website.


But this reminder will come in handy for young people and housewives.

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Click blue dotted line:

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Select necessary value from drop-down menu:

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Save necessary value clicking check marked button: 

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Abandoned cart notification delay

This field defines number of days (days) since the last change of the cart until the moment an email will be sent to the customer with uncompleted order reminder.

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Click blue dotted line to set necessary value:

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Add necessary value (or use a special slider to increase or decrease number in the window by clicking):

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Save necessary value clicking check marked button:

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Notification about cart ready for clearance

This option enables email notifications about clearing the cart. It is recommended to empty the cart (not to waste website resources because you have to pay for used space) after some time if shopping cart is abandoned. You can send notification to customer to give him the last chance to place an order before removing items from the cart.

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Click blue dotted line to enable or disable notification:

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Select necessary value from drop-down menu:

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Save choice clicking check marked button:

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Cart ready for clearance notification delay


Click blue dotted line to set necessary value:

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Add necessary value (or use a special slider to increase or decrease number in the window by clicking):


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Save necessary value clicking check marked button:

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Delay before cart is cleared

Number of days from the last change in the cart before it's cleared. This value is the same for all sites - 60 days. It's not edited.

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