Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Enter zero "0" and save if you decide to remove restriction on order cost. Then it will be possible to make purchases for any amount.

Making orders for out-of-date product data

Goods in the basket are checked (availability, prices, etc.) during checkout.


Customer makes an order: goods are checked and up-to-date information is collected

Сheck is attempted several times, if not obtained - used what is available

Attempt to get up-to-date information. Customer will see an error if attempt failed.
Order is made?YesNo
What to do next?

Work with a client is in process: you can offer a similar product or agree on a different price if in the end there is no product or price is different.

An "abandoned cart" message will appear if customer leaves after a failed checkout. Customer will be reminded by email.

It will be possible to offer a similar product if a Client writes to you in support.


It is used only if products could not be updated within a reasonable time: system will try to get the actual data about the product several times. The last collected data about the product (quantity, configuration, cost, etc.) will be used if attempt failed. Any problems with providers will prevent you from placing orders if prohibited.

Open "Configuration → Orders → General" section 

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Find "line

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Select from drop-down list: you need to allow or disallow this option.

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Save choice clicking checkmark button

Image Added

Changes take effect immediately. You can change your choice at any time.

Order prefix

It is necessary for identification of your orders by shipping company. Consists of 3 characters of the Latin alphabet. ORD by default.
