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Customizing home page design.

We speak about Elastic design theme in this manual. You can read about design theme change of OT Box Platform in “Design template” manual.

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Location in admin panel: Configuration → Website configuration → Scroll page down to "Home page" block

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Display products on the page

Goods are displayed “As list” or “As carousel”. 

  1. List (the first 8 goods are located either under each other or in one line - depending on screen width).

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  2. Carousel (the first 5 goods are displayed and the rest of the goods are available by clicking on the left and right arrows).

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Choose the way to display goods. Select "As carousel" or "As list" p-down list next to ".

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Select necessary option (in the example we select "As carousel").

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Save choice clicking check-marked button:

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Goods display on the home page will change immediately after saving the changes (in the example the display style is " As carousel"):

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We recommend to clear chache if display style didn't change.

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Refresh your store home page when notification appears that cache has been cleared.

Number of elements to be displayed

Select number of elements to display on the home page. 

All values are in numerical format. It is important to take into account if goods are displayed "As list" or "As carousel", as well as design of OT Box Platform.

However, there are general rules for settings:

  • Carousel takes less space on the page and Lists can include more offers at a time.
  • For Lists we recommend calculating the number of goods to put them as symmetrically as possible.
  • The more goods are specified in the settings, the longer the home page takes to load (long loading forces users to leave the site).
  • Set 0 if you don't want to show this block on the home page.

All displayed elements have the same setting. First, select from the list which block we want to display (or hide).

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Then, click value with a dotted line opposite the block name and enter value from keyboard.

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Click checkmark button to save or cross to close the field without changes.

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"News" block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can add and edit news in “News” section.

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Click inscription in front of “News count” to open drop-down menu to set news announcements number for the home page.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page).

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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News will be displayed on the home page after saving (or hidden if you set 0).

Blog articles

"Blog" section is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

Content of this block can be edited in “Blog” section:

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Set display on the home page. Select “Post announcement” line and click blue dotted line to open input field.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page).

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3 articles are displayed by default.

Save new value clicking check-marked button:.

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Changes will be displayed on the home page after saving (or hidden if you set 0).

Items with reviews

“Commented items” block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can edit products reviews in Catalog → Products reviews section

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You can restrict certain types of goods in Catalog → Restrictions → Goods section

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Click blue dotted line next to “Commented items” to open input field and set number of goods to display on the home page.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page). 8 goods are displayed by default, recommended maximum number is 20.

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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Goods will be displayed on the home page after saving (or hidden if you set 0).

Best vendors

"Best vendors" block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can edit vendors' list in Catalog → Collections → Vendors section

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You can restrict certain vendors in Catalog → Restrictions → Vendors section

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Click blue dotted line next to “Recommended sellers” to open input field and set number of vendors to display on the home page.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page).

8 vendors are displayed by default, recommended maximum number is 20.

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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Vendors will be displayed on the home page after saving (or hidden if you set 0).

Shop reviews

“Shop reviews” block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can edit reviews in Promotion → Shop reviews section

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Click blue dotted line next to “Shop reviews” to open input field and set number of reviews to display on the home page.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page).

Reviews are hiddden and are not displayed on the home page by default.

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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Reviews will be displayed on the homepage after saving if you have specified their number.

Popular brands

“Popular brands” block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can edit brands list in Catalog → Collections → Popular brands section

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You can restrict brands in Catalog → Restrictions → Brands section

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Click blue dotted line next to “Popular brands” to open input field and set number of brands to display on the home page.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page).

10 goods are displayed by default, recommended maximum number is 20.

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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Brands will be displayed on the homepage after saving if you have specified their number (or hidden if you set 0)

Recommended goods

“Recommended goods” block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can edit goods in Catalog → Collections → Recommended Goods section

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You can restrict certain goods in Catalog → Restrictions → Goods section

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Click blue dotted line next to “Recommended items” to open input field and set number of goods to display on the home page.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page). 

8 goods are displayed by default, recommended maximum number is 200.

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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Goods will be displayed on the home page after saving (or hidden if you set 0).

Popular goods

“Popular goods” block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can edit goods in Catalog → Collections → Popular goods section. However, it is important to take into account that this collection is filled in automatically based on site statistics and deleted goods are included in “Restricted to display” black list.

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You can restrict certain goods (or display) in Catalog → Restrictions → Goods section

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Click blue dotted line next to “Popular goods” to open input field and set number of goods to display on the home page

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page). 8 goods are displayed by default, recommended maximum number is 20.

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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Goods will be displayed on the home page after saving (or hidden if you set 0).

Recently viewed goods

“Recently viewed goods” block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can edit goods in Catalog → Collections → Last viewed goods section. However, it is important to take into account that this collection is filled in automatically based on site statistics and deleted goods are included in “Restricted to display” black list.

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You can restrict certain goods (or display) in Catalog → Restrictions → Goods section

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Click blue dotted line next to “Recently viewed goods” to open input field and set number of goods to display on the home page.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page). 8 goods are displayed by default, recommended maximum number is 30.

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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Goods will be displayed on the home page after saving (or hidden if you set 0).

Goods from stock

It is a paid module of OT Box Platform. Read more about it in "Goods from Stock (module description)".

“Goods from stock” block is displayed in different parts of the page depending on website design.

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You can edit goods collection in Catalog → Collections → Items in stock section.

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Goods are added in Catalog → Items in stock section.

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You can restrict certain goods in Catalog → Restrictions → Goods section

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Click blue dotted line next to “Goods in warehouse” to open input field and set number of goods to display on the home page.

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Enter necessary value from keyboard (0 - to hide the block, other values - to show on the home page). 8 goods are displayed by default.

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Save new value clicking check-marked button:

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Goods will be displayed on the home page after saving (or hidden if you set 0). is under construction