Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Products are updated every 4 days. New products come with incomplete information, but the next update will add update it to the full complete information.

Products that have been in our database for a long time are updated only when going on  check out checked in the cart (if you have a box siteOT Box based website), or when you re-request the OT API (if you have an API keyKey).

If there is an urgent need, the product can be updated manually by you through the OT product data collector plugin extensionyou need to update product urgently, you can do it manually through OT Product Data Collector extension for Google Chrome browser

Detailed steps:

- download the OT product data collector plugin install OT Product Data Collector extension to the Google Chrome browser https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ot-product-data-collector/illodkppnmjnmdcbolafjnllnpcljhfa?pli=1

- open your product on the original  sites 1688  original site (1688 or Taobao (Tmall) in the original language (this . This is important)!

-select the red box button and the black button 

- Please please wait for the information to be sent to our database using by your product ID.ID 

-refresh the page of with this product card on your site (if you have a box site), opendemo on your key OT Box based website) or https://open-demo.otcommerce.com/ website with your API Key (if you have a keyAPI Key)

-  if you have a keyAPI Key, then after checking the product card on the opendemo site on your key, https://open-demo.otcommerce.com/ with your API Key you can request information about this product via API