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"Geolocation" Module determines customers' location by their IP address and automatically selects suitable currency, country of delivery and website language!



"Geolocation" module automatically sets language, country of delivery and currency only to new users, so your regular customers have nothing to worry about: once selected settings remain untouched.

How to buy?


Module is a paid addition for your business development! It is not included into any of the OT Box version.


Check module price: https://en.otcommerce.com/prices-and-promo#2 

How it works?

Contact OT manager in your Skype chat to install module after payment.


Module is available from OT Box version 1.10.0 and higher. If you do not have opportunity to update OT Box to the current version, when buying a module, indicate this fact. OT specialists will make necessary changes when installing the module.


"Geolocation" module checks first if the visitor visits your site for the first time or he has already configured data for himself.


Read detailed instruction how to set "Geolocation" module

  • Страны доставки (Раздел «Конфигурация → Доставка»)
  • Конвертацию Валюты (Раздел «Ценообразование → Валюта»)

Подробная инструкция по настройке модуля: «Настройка модуля „Геолокация“»