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Location in the admin area: Reports > Service statistics

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General information

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“Service Statistics” section contains information about service payment rate website is connected to. There are the following service payment rates at the moment:


  1. Rate (title)
  2. Request limit (for Sandbox and Call rates).
  3. Turnover percentage (for Turnover rate).
  4. Cost of 1 request in $ (for Call rate).

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Service statistics

Statistics parameters are displayed by time intervals: per day, per month and total.

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Calls detalization (Calls)


  1. Total calls.
  2. Paid calls.

Total calls

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Total calls section contains information on paid and free calls and show total load your site receives and OT Services.


Users also use free calls when authorise and visit their personal account and sopping cart, for example. All other calls are paid ones.

Paid calls 

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Paid calls are those that give information from providers (search, categories, product card). This information includes goods cards, categories and search. 


Total amount of texts translated (in characters)

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Each product card includes text content: product title, characteristics, description and other texts in Chinese. All these texts are translated at the expense of OT platform services . “Total amount of texts translated (in characters)” and “ Amount of texts automatically translated by external translator (in characters)” sections  show volume of texts translated while the customer was browsing products.


Efficiency of caching the goods origin (Taobao requests)

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Taobao site is accessed five times (product, shipping cost, discount, seller’s details, seller’s listings) when composing product card. Plus goods descriptions and reviews are taken from goods provider. It takes some time to receive this information. In addition, frequent calls to Taobao for such information are very undesirable.Caching system is provided to speed up the acquisition of required information from Taobao. Data received earlier from Taobao is stored there.
