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  • Specification
  • How It Works?
  • Categories
  • Search
  • Order and Additional Order
  • User Guide
  • Creating (Editing) Product Catalogue
  • Adding “Stock Items” Catalogue to the General Catalogue
  • Reviewing and Editing Products
  • Adding Products



“Stock Items” is the shop’s own product database, supplemented from site’s admin area. Products can further be seen in their particular categories in the storefront, put into shopping cart, ordered, and etc. Whereas products from Taobao are transmitted directly from product aggregator site, “Stock Items” are stored on Opentao services.


How it Works

Technically “Stock Items” represent a separate product source along with Taobao which delivers data from its database. Products from various sources differ in prefixes to identifiers, e.g. tb-15426685266 and oti-25.

Adding products in admin area can be done manually as well as with help of Taobao link. At that, if a product is added using Taobao link, product information is cashed and saved on the site, even if the  product would be deleted from Taobao afterwards.



Products from the module are collected into two separate catalogue categories. You have to options:  you can use two catalogues (separate “Stock Items” catalogue and Taobao products catalogue) or unified catalogue where products from the module and Taobao are divided to different categories. In other words any category from module’s catalogue or catalogue as a whole can be added to unified product catalogue. There’s only one restriction: only the products from one source are allowed in one category (either Taobao or Stock, or from any other product aggregators later on).


Additional data, such as image list, characteristics, configuration, etc., are to be added afterwards.


Search covers all the catalogue categories, including any product aggregators. If certain category is opened, search will be performed within this particular category only. Thus, if “Stock Items” are the separate section of the catalogue you can search only among these products.


Order and Additional Order


Additional orders are possible to make only into aggregator’s corresponding orders. 

User Guide

Module Setup includes 2 stages:


Building (Editing) Product Catalogue


Go to “Catalogue” section in new admin area and choose “Stock Items” tab.

The products should be added into specified categories, that’s why it is advisable to create sections and subsections of the catalogue first and then add products. Therefore let’s build a catalogue:


Adding root categories by clicking “Add Root Category”:


In the popup window enter the name of the category to be displayed in your shop:


Added by subcategory


Place the mouse cursor over the category and thereby select the required action in menu:


To move the category, hold the shift icon (1st on the left) by left mouse button and drag it down the list to the required position. 

Adding catalogue “Stock Items” into General Catalogue


“Stock Items” catalogue is built as a separate section in your current catalogue. When you created categories in “Stock Items” section, go to “Categories” section (old admin area) and create required root directory, assigning wh-0 to it, that means <Root Category of the “Stock Items” section>:


Catalogue is ready for adding the products.


Viewing and Editing Products


Go to “Products” section.


Adding the products, please take into account that the product price is passing through your pricing mechanism, i.e.it will be displayed on the site considering your markup. The “Banker” module allows you to setup pricing so the products in “Stock Items” module pass without your regular markup. The price you set up in admin area will be displayed on the site. 

An added product is displayed in the selected category. Please note that the quantity and product price (price is specified in internal accounting currency) you can edit directly in product listing without entering the editing mode:
