Сравнение версий


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  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.

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The section is used to view with financial reports.


Here you can check total balance, positive and negative accounts for necessary date and the whole period, and use functional calculation of profits.

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You can check balance on all website users here:

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Bill itemization

You can export all operations on users' accounts for certain period in this section:

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Tab contains 2 sections: filter by date and table with results:

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Filter by date

Click dropdown list to view data for certain period:

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Choose necessary option from dropdown list:

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Chosen interval period will be shown below in dates fields:

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Click Apply” button:

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Click date field to set date range manually:

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You can enter value from the keyboard or select from drop-down calendar:

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Do the same thing with interval end date and click Apply” button:

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Data table

All operations for chosen time period are available in the table with the following fields:

  1. Date – shows date and time of operation.
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  2. Login – user login with whose account the operation was. You will be transferred to user personal page if you click login. 
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  3. Sum – shown in website internal currency. Green is deposit and red is withdrawal.
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  4. Note. You can leave a comment on order page during deposit and withdrawal operations. This comment will be available here. A standard phrase (Order payment, Manual correction, etc.)  is written if there is no comment.
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Click Export” button to export data for certain time period:

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See higher to check how to choose time period.

It's possible to open results or save them in xls-file: 
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Calculation of profits (Section is under construction)


This functional is a table divided by months. You can view each month by day. Some values can be adjusted at any time in hindsight any number of times.

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Choose period

Click date field to set date range manually:

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You can enter value from the keyboard or select from drop-down calendar:

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Apply the same actions with end date of interval and click Apply”:

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Click Export” to export data for certain period:

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See higher to check how to choose time period.


  • Horizontal lines include data for each day of the month. One day can contain several lines.

and columns:

  • Date – dates are grouped by months and days.
  • Income Amount  – amount of receipts to customers' personal accounts per day, including refunds from cancellations (in website internal currency).
  • Providers – added if there are goods from different trade providers (Taobao, Warehouse, 1688, Yahoo Japan, etc.).
  • Currency – currency is indicated if receipts were in different currencies.
  • Orders Reserved Amount  – amount withdrawn from customers' personal accounts for orders (in website internal currency).
  • Number of purchases  – the amount of costs for the redemption of goods of Goods Provider (Taobao). Includes shipping within China (yuan).
  • Exchange rate – website internal currency exchange rate to yuan.
  • Purchase Amount – the amount of redemption costs (in website internal currency).
  • External Delivery Amount – delivery expenses (for example: agent sent parcels, trunks, packed a truck during a day and wrote into this column – delivery expenses for this day were: … I paid them on post or gave to truck driver).
  • Revenue – difference between funds credited for orders and expenses for buying goods and external delivery.
  • Percentage of Profit  – percentage of income received from expenses for buying goods and external delivery.

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Select period for viewing and editing in calendar:

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View necessary date in column Date”:

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Click necessary date. Detailed description will open:

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It's possible to edit some fields in operations detalization on profit calculation. Field is available for editing if it is marked blue dotted:

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Click blue dotted value to edit it:

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Add necessary value in opened window:

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Save selection with check mark:

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You can close it without changes by clicking the cross:

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