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Only 1 language is available in ОТ API К1 and К2 (English or Russian)in OT API Keys K0 Basic, K1 Standard and K2 Advanced. It is possible to use "Mutlilanguage" Module and add several languages for OT API К3 for free.Keys K0 Basic, K1 Standard and K2 Advanced. See price-list

It is possible to use use "Mutlilanguage" Module and add several languages for ОТ API К1 and К2 at extra charge. See price-listOT API Key K3 Enterprise for free.

At the moment we provide manual translation of catalog, interface, functional words and phrases only in English and Russian languages


"Multilanguage" Module allows to add and show other languages. Lannguage Language version should be prepared by website owner. 



Catalog and goods description are translated automatically, interface and functional words and phrases should be translated manually.  

Autotranslation is available for the following languages:


Write chosen language into language field


Click «Invoke»:

Below you will get code in xml format used for chosen language. It can be opened in a separate tab by clicking the link before code window: