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A selection of vendors Vendors' collection is available for viewing on the home page of websiet website in “Best vendors” block.

Show or hide


Select language version before preparing a collection of Vendors. You can make your own selection collection for each language. 

Language version is selected by clicking on the language from the list. You can set the list in Configuration → Languages → Multilingualism section


Open Catalog → Collections → Vendors section to show recomended recommended vendors on the home page

Search and select vendor

Search for product on the site. The main selection collection criteria will be: products on your target audience, number of product sales, positive reviews, your personal experience with a particular vendor.



Only Taobao allows to add adding vendor by name. Other providers allow only link to vendor or his ID.


Confirm choice by clicking "Yes" button.

Vendor will be remobed removed from collection after confirmation. You can add vendor clicking "Add" button.

Очистить подборку продавцов

Чтобы полностью очистить подборку, можно использовать специальную кнопку в правой части страницы.

Image Removed

Clear vendors' collection

You can use special button in the right part of the page to clear collection completely.

Image Added

Collection will be completely cleared after clicking if you confirm action and click "Yes" buttonПосле нажатия на неё, подборка полностью очистится, если подтвердить действие и нажать кнопку «Да».