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  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Put up for sale” button will appear next to an item. Clicking this button opens an interface for adding the item to the show-case.

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Buyer can upload photo of an item, set his/her own item price and quantity, add description, as well as contact information to get in touch with him/her. Buyer clicks “Put up for sale” button once all these fields have been completed. Item is referred to administrator for moderation after that. User can edit information about the item. In such a case, the item will be submitted for moderation again.


Admin interface includes “Pristroy” section which lists all items offered for sale (“Catalog” section in admin area).

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Administrator may approve an item (item will be visible on the show-caseafter that), decline it (once done, user will be notified of that, providing the reason for declining), or remove (for example, in case it has been sold).


When user wants to sell an item which he/she has already purchased he/she needs to go to completed orders list in his/her Personal Account and click “Put up for sale” button next to appropriate item.

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This will bring up a window which contains the following editable information:



 Contact information (telephone, Skype, email) to get in touch with a seller has to be entered into “Description” section.

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User clicks “Put up for sale” button after editing is completed.

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When button is clicked, item will be displayed in the admin area and its status will show as “On moderation” in User’s Personal Account.

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Managing items offered for sale in admin area

Navigate to “Catalog” section and select “Pristroy” tab.

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On the page:

  1. Enter the first few characters of user’s login in “User” field.
  2. Choose user’s login.
  3. Click “Apply” button.
  4. Look foritems he/she wants to sell.

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Item moderation


You can edit information related to the item on your own.Click item name or edit icon (pencil icon) please.

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The following information is editable in the window that appears:


You can also attach one more photo.

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Click “Save” button when you’ve made your changes. Click “Cancel” button if you want to leave edit mode without saving your changes.

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All changes are available for editing by user in his/her Personal Account.

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Sale of the item by user

After successful moderation user will see “Approved” status and the following buttons:

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Item will be referred for moderation once again and won’t be temporarily displayed on the website if buyer edited information about approved item.

Approved item will appear in the appropriate collection on the website home page and in “Pristroy” section as well.

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User should click “Product was sold” button in his/her Personal area once he/she sold an item.

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This item will be removed from the list of items offered for sale in the admin area.
