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This page allows one to view orders details. The “Items” tab.

Go to: Orders > Order number (ID) in the administrative area of your website.


Items that an order contains can be filtered by the following statuses:

  1. Awaiting payment
  2. Paid
  3. Price confirmation
  4. Ordered
  5. Quality control
  6. Received
  7. Packed
  8. Ready to ship
  9. Posted
  10. Completed
  11. Returned to supplier
  12. Unable to deliver
  13. Cancelled

To filter orders the statuses of which are the same, perform the following steps:

  1. Check the checkbox next to the desired status.

  2. You will see the checkmark next to the status you need.

  3. Click the “Apply filter” button.


All items the status of which matches the selected one will be displayed on the items list (in our example: “Paid”).

You can select more than one status for filtering. To do this, check the checkboxes next to all statuses you need at the moment.

Additional information

Customer’s comment on order:

This comment can be viewed below the item status filter.

In addition, an operator can leave his/her comment for order that won’t be visible to a customer.

  1. Click the “+” (plus) button next to “Additional information”.

  2. Enter the text in the text field that appears (type a comment).

  3. Click on the “Add” button to save the information.

  4. The additional information for the order has been saved:

If you need to modify the comment click the pencil button and change the text.

Click the “Save” button.

The comment has been changed.

Items list

The items list is available right under the filter.

Each item contains the following:

  1. Order and item number.

  2. Item status.

  3. Photo.

  4. SKU.

  5. Vendor name.

  6. Item configuration (color, size in the language of the administrative area and in Chinese).

  7. Weight.

  8. Price.

  9. Quantity.

  10. Total (amount).

  11. Customer’s comment on item.


Managing individual items

Viewing item information

Item page

Click the item number (ID) in order to view the individual item page on your website.

To view an item page on Taobao you should click on SKU.


To view the item description click on the “i” icon.

A pop-up with description will appear.


Clicking on a vendor name takes you to the page that lists all goods of this vendor on your website.


You can modify the item configuration (i.e. color and size) manually. To do this:

  1. Click the configuration you want to change:

  2. Select the one you need from the dropdown list that appears.

  3. Save the changes by clicking the check mark button.


You can change the price of an individual item manually. To do this:

  1. Click the price.

  2. Enter the new price for an item.

  3. Save the changes by clicking the check mark button.

  4. The price has been changed.


  5. The item status has been updated to “Price confirmation”:


On the orders list a customer will see a notice that the price confirmation is required.

The same information will also appear on the customer order details page.

If a customer selects “Price confirmation” then the order status will be updated to “Awaiting payment” in the administrative area of your website.

If a customer rejects an item and removes it, the status of the item will be updated to “Cancelled”.


You can upload additional photos for each item (for example, an item is received at the warehouse and a photo of it can be taken).

  1. Click on the plus button next to the “Photos” text.

  2. Select the way a photo will be uploaded: from web-camera, from your computer or import from web link.

  3. Take a photo or select it (using a web link or on your PC), click on the “Upload” button.

  4. When all photos have been uploaded click the “Close” button.


A photo will appear on the item page.

A customer will see the photo in his/her personal area on the order details page.


A customer can make a comment for an item when he or she checks out (for example, color, size, his/her wishes and preferable parameters).

This comment can be visible on the order details page.

This comment will be displayed in the additional information section of the administrative area as well.

An operator can also make a comment:

  1. Click on the plus button.

  2. Type a comment in the text field that appears.

  3. Click the “Add” button to save a comment.


After saving the comment will be displayed in the administrative area.

A customer will see the order comment in his/her personal area on the order details page.

If it is necessary to change the comment you should click on the pencil button and make changes.

Modify the comment and click the “Save” button.

The text has been modified.



Export is a feature that makes it possible to export the desired item to an Excel *xls file to your PC.

To export an individual item, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired item (manually or using filters).

  2. Click on the gear button.

  3. Click on the “Export” in the pop-up menu that appears.

  4. You will be prompted to save the file. Please save it. After the file has been saved, it is available on your PC.

This file will contain the following data:

  1. Number

  2. Link

  3. Image

  4. SKU

  5. Configuration

  6. Quantity

  7. Price, ¥

  8. Delivery, ¥

  9. Total, ¥

  10. Purchased in website base currency

  11. Paid in website base currency

  12. Difference


Deleting an item

  1. Click the gear button in order to delete an item.

  2. Click on the “Remove” option in the pop-up menu that appears.

  3. Confirm the choice by clicking the “Yes” button.

Once the item has been deleted the status of the given item will be updated to “Cancelled”.

Altering an order status

A status of an individual item can be changed. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the item the order status of which you want to alter (for example, you have ordered an item from logistician and the item should be marked as “Ordered”).

  2. Click on the star icon in the row that contains the selected item.

  3. Select an order status you need (in our example: “Ordered”).

  4. Clicking on it will change the order status (for example: “Ordered”).

Managing multiple items


To export multiple items in one file, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired items by putting a mark in the checkbox to the left of an item number (the selected item will be highlighted in yellow):

  2. Or tick the checkbox in the table header if you need to select all items on a page automatically.

  3. Click the “With selected” button which is located above the table.

  4. Click on the “Export” in the pop-up menu that appears.

  5. You will be prompted to save the file. Please save it. After the file has been saved, it is available on your PC.

This file will contain the following data:

  1. Number

  2. Link

  3. Image

  4. SKU

  5. Configuration

  6. Quantity

  7. Price

  8. Delivery

  9. Total

  10. Purchased in website base currency

  11. Paid in website base currency

  12. Difference

Creating a package

A package cannot be created if the status of items is any one but “Awaiting payment” or “Ordered”. If items have another status you will see an error message in the upper right hand corner of the administrative area.

To create a package made up of selected items, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose the desired items by ticking the checkbox to the left of the item number (the selected item will be highlighted in yellow).

  2. Or put a mark in the checkbox in the table header if you need to select all items on a page automatically.

  3. Click the “With selected” button which is located above the table.

  4. Click on the “Create parcel” in the menu that appears.

  5. Once you’ve clicked the option a form for creating a package will appear. Leave it blank. (Data will be placed automatically when saving).

  6. Do not fill out the form. Click the “Save” button.

The package has been created and can be viewed on the “Packages” tab.

All the items on the “Items” tab will receive a tag with the package number.

The order status was updated to “Ready to ship” in order summary.

Altering an order status

To alter an order status for multiple items, follow below steps:

  1. Select the desired items by putting a mark in the checkbox to the left of an item number:

  2. Or tick the checkbox in the table header if you need to select all items on a page automatically.

  3. Click the “Change status” button which is located above the table.


  4. Select the status you would like to set for selected items from the dropdown menu that appears.

  5. All selected items will change the status to that one you have just chosen.

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