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« Предыдущий Версия 2 Текущий »

Brief description

Registered user is provided with a unique referral link in his/her Personal account.

New users (referrals) either login to website by clicking the referral link (thus, a referrer is automatically defined) or enter a referrer’s login during registration.

Referrer receives a specified percentage of completed transactions of his/her referral (purchased item price is taken into account).

Agent can set up different groups of referrals and specify a percentage for each group.

Earnings (percentage) will be credited to a referral’s personal account and can be subsequently used to pay for orders.

Detailed description


A referral (child) is a new user who logs into website by clicking the referral link or the one invited to join the referral program by an existing website user.

A referrer (parent) is a website user who invites a new user to join a referral program and who benefits in future from orders he/she makes.

Earnings (income) of a referrer are a percentage of goods cost paid and received by a referral (only completed orders are taken into account).

Referrers group is a group of website users set up by website administrator who assigns a specific percentage of referrer’s income for each group.


When registering, one more field, namely referrer login, is added.

In the event a customer visits the registration page from the referral link this field will be filled out automatically.

Website administrator interface

Website administrator interface is similar to the one of “Discount management” section.

It is blank by default.

Website administrator can add a referral group by specifying minimum volume of orders completed (in website base currency) as well as percentage of the total order cost that a referrer will receive as income.

Administrator can add one or more referral groups or edit existing ones (their names, descriptions, order volume, or percentage).

It is possible to add a referral to referral group manually. Referral and referrer logins should be provided.

Referral can be removed. In case a referral is removed, his/her orders are not taken into account for a given referrer.

It is possible to track income from a referral program accompanied by a comment “Income from referral program from <referral’s login>” by selecting “Users -Account– Account transactions”.

How referrer’s earnings are calculated

Referrer’s earnings (income) are calculated based on purchased item price of orders (only orders marked as “Completed” are taken into consideration) made by all referrals he/she refers.

Total order cost (item price plus shipping fee) of all referrals for a specific referrer are taken into account in order to enroll a referral in the next referral group. Important! Every time referral bonuses are awarded a referrer (parent) is automatically transferred to the appropriate group (the parent will be enrolled in a group depending on the amount of money of “children’s” transaction volume).

Earnings of a referrer are calculated automatically and credited to the referrer’s personal account in the website base currency.

Thus, a percentage of item cost is credited to a referrer’s personal account once the order status has been changed to “Completed”. These funds can be subsequently used to pay for orders.

Customer interface

Any registered user is provided with a personal referral link in his/her Personal account. User can promote website with this link (which is a unique personalized link to the registration form).

Referral group title and description of a user are available in his/her Personal account.

One can track income from a referral program accompanied by a comment “Income from referral program from <referral’s login>” by selecting “Account state – Payment history”.


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