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« Предыдущий Версия 4 Следующий »

This is where you can view or edit your website’s customers.

Navigate to: Users > Settings in the administrative area.


This section allows you to specify the page you want to redirect the user after login or enhance security when a customer signs up.


Redirecting users after login

This is where you specify a page to redirect users after login.

Click on the dashed blue underlined text.

Then you will see a list of options that specify a location you want the users to be automatically redirected to: the home page or personal area. Select the desired setting.

Click the checkbox to save changes.

To deselect you need to click anywhere   in the administrative area or click the Close   ("X") button.

Additional activation via e-mail

After the registration process on your website a user will be notified via e-mail and must follow the link to activate his/her account.

With this feature enabled, the user will see the following message during signup:

and receive e-mail:

In the “Sender” field you will see the data you have entered in the “Configuration-Orders-Notifications” section.

If the sender was not specified, the user will receive an e-mail from an “Unknown sender”.


To enable or disable this feature click on the dashed blue underlined text.

You will be presented with two menu options: enable or disable. Select the one you need.

To save the settings you need to click the checkbox.

To deselect you need to click anywhere in the administrative area or click the Close   ("X") button.

Если после включения функции письмо не приходит на почту, проверьте настройки SMTP. (Статья SMTP settings)

Регистрация по номеру телефона

Регистрацию можно запретить или разрешить, для этого кликом мышки выбираем нужный вариант

Сохраняем выбор, нажав на кнопку с галочкой

Simplified registration (отключена с версии 1.6.2)

Извините, мы убрали настройку «Упрощенная регистрация» начиная с версии 1.6.2 , так как с ней было много проблем.

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