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August 4 ,2022 — 1.86 — global update of OT Platform services

August, 4, from 11:00 a.m. till 12:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Update will be without ReadOnly mode. At that time the work of system can be slower.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes will be in next message later.

May 17, 2022 - 1.85 - global update of OT Platform services

May, 17, from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 2 hours. Update will be without ReadOnly mode. At that time the work of system can be slower.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes 

  • Implemented a new module "Export Constructor", which allows to create your own templates for exporting users and orders. Its support will be in the next update of the Box. For all questions, please contact to support.
  • Implemented a mechanism for additional integrations to our payment system, for example, for sending payment notifications, sending data about a check to an online cash register, and other similar actions. If someone will receive two letters about payments, contact support.
  • Improved search by brand from the search bar: if a brand name is found in the search bar, products will be searched for all spellings of the brand. If the search for any brand is still unsatisfactory, please contact support.
  • Added the selection of the sending region to the settings of Aliexpress provider.
  • Added recognition of links from the Aliexpress mobile application.
  • Added the ability to search for a user by an exact match of the login.
  • Fixed checking the user's phone by SMS when it is changed.
  • Added GetProviderAllAreaList method to get all possible regions for a particular provider.
  • Added the ability to directly specify the regions of sending and / or receiving in all methods for receiving goods (in itemParameters parameter).
  • Improvements of our internal tools and reports.

March 24, 2022 - 1.84 - global update of OT Platform services

March, 24, from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 2 hours. Update will be without ReadOnly mode. At that time the work of system can be slower.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes 

  • Made integration with PayBox.Money payment system.
  • "Default provider" setting was replaced with "Order of providers" setting, and now they can be managed as you want. The Box will show exactly in the order you set it up.
  • Added issuance of a products list related in any way, in full information about the product, if the provider provides such lists.
  • Fixed an error in the search, if the first order was the search for reviews.
  • Fixed a problem with goods reviews in case of disconnection of provider, now you can get only goods from active providers.
  • Fixed an error with selection of Taobao discounts in Autopurchase, sometimes Taobao gave out discounts in a very strange way.
  • Fixed error text when adding categories of the same name in "Goods in stock".
  • Fixed text error when attempting to act on order lines involved in Autopurchase with the wrong Taobao (or other provider) account.
  • Fixed error text when trying to search by link to a photo, if it’s not a link at all.
  • Improved saving of counters (for example, showing calls for the current day).
  • Improved platform diagnostics in many small aspects.
  • Optimized different parts of the platform.

January 20, 2022 - 1.83 - global update of OT Platform services

January, 20, from 9:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 1 hour. Update will be without ReadOnly mode. At that time the work of system can be slower.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes 

  • Completed the integration of JD provider and added JD search by photo.
  • Added an opportunity to configure custom SMS services: you specify http address, for example, a script on your site, the system sends SMS text and phone number there, and then you send SMS using your own methods.
  • Implemented the setting of partial search by phrases (you can find this setting in admin panel, in located in the settings of search methods). By default, partial search is allowed only for phrases entered by users, and forbidden for phrases entered in categories. Thanks to the setting, the partial search functional will finally be enabled: for example, by words “winter boots”, it will eventually search for the word “winter” in the boots categories.
  • Made recording of operators' actions history for all operations in catalog of categories. Now it will be possible to see who, when, and what exactly changed in the catalog.
  • Improved search by links and product ids: now you can search for products simply by year or vendor's SKUs, which were previously considered non-existent product ids.
  • Fixed general catalog editing, names are saved now only for internal categories, and the names of external categories will no longer suddenly change, whether from provider catalogs, or for example, the catalog of "Goods in stock" module.
  • Fixed a bug where "Geolocation" module gave out the country, even if there is no delivery from your web-site store to it.
  • The documentation site has been rebuilt to open and work normally in all regions. Previously, some of the resources used by the site were not available in the region of India, Bangladesh, and probably in other countries nearby.
  • Added the CopyCategory method to enable copying an entire directory branch. In site’s admin panel of the Box this feature will be added in one of the next updates.
  • Made different internal updates.
  • Improved monitoring and reports.

October 21, 2021 - 1.81 - global update of OT Platform services

October, 21, from 9:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 1 hour. Update will be without ReadOnly mode. At that time the work of system can be slower.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes 

  • Many updates for all providers
  • Updated protocol for working with Qiwi payment system, now it can be connected again.
  •  Improved OTAPI documentation site, many missing descriptions have been filled.
  • Added sorting by time of product update when searching. For OTAPI users: it can be specified UpdatedTime:Desc in OrderBy parameter.
  • Added VendorDisplayName field to products and cart / favorites products, where seller's name is displayed, which can be changed in the admin panel to another name, for example, it can be translated. In the next Box update, it will be displayed wherever it’s needed.
  • Fixed translation of reviews for products when they’re requested using the BatchGetItemFullInfo method.
  • Added clear messages about some errors when sending e-mail.
  • Optimized the work of catalog import.
  • Fixed an error when characteristics and their values were duplicated in "Goods from stock" module.
  • Fixed work with product names translations in "Goods from stock" module.
  • Fixed some errors in "Discounts" module.
  • Fixed output of some values in json format.
  • Improved internal tools and reports.

July 22,2021 — 1.80 — global update of OT Platform services and database transfer

Jule, 22, from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
At the same time, the databases will be transferred to new servers.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 2 hours. Update will be with ReadOnly mode, for no loss any data during the transfer.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes 

  • Added a setting for placing orders even during problems with updating products. More details about this setting will be discussed separately.
  • Added filter by country for Aliexpress and eBay providers.
  • Implemented registration of sales number for goods in the stock and, accordingly, its issuance in all standard places.
  • Optimized work of goods in the stock with very large descriptions: search and other operations should work faster.
  • Improved system for storing goods for characteristics of some future providers.
  • Added GetCurrentBoxStatistics and GetArchiveBoxStatistics methods for showing Box operation statistics. This information will be shown in the admin panel in the next update of OT Box.
  • Added and expanded documentation for some methods.
  • Improved internal reports and system monitoring.
  • Removed some parts of the old system that are no longer relevant.

June 16, 2021 - 1.79 - global update of OT Platform services

June, 16, from 9:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 1 hour. Update will be without ReadOnly mode. At that time the work of system can be slower.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes 

Common changes:

  • Implemented connection to two new item providers, details will be later in another news posts.
  • Hided old obsolete item providers Kitmall and Dropwow.
  • Implemented again suitable categories in search by image. Also, image search takes more image formats now.
  • Added value of image match percentage in search by image API output.
  • Added CreatedTime field in items API output, this is time when item was added to our system. UpdatedTime field have been there for a long time.
  • Added SalesCount field in item configuration API output. This is volume of sales for configuration. Bo guarantee for field existance, it exists for such provivers and items only which allow to get this info.
  • Added possibility for delete manual weight in items.
  • Improved and fiixed logic of registration by phone and work with SMS.
  • Improved and fixed logic of content page management.

Internal changes:

  • Implemented system of storage historical item's data, it will be used in future.
  • Improved some system diagnostics.
  • Improved some reports.

May 5, 2021 - 1.78 - global update of OT Platform services

May, 5, from 9:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 1 hour. Update will be without ReadOnly mode. At that time the work of system can be slower.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes 

General updates:

  • Method SearchItemReviews was updated, now using this method it’s possible to get our products reviews and reviews from original trade provider
  • Fixed the problem, when video is removed from product detail page in original trade provider, but in our system we still have it.
  • Made an opportunity to set a time limit for obsolescence of products. We’ll reduce time of products update (now it’s 4 days) and observe the work of the system.
  • Updated the mechanism of secrets for keys. Now signature is generated with SHA256 algorithm.
  • Made more clear texts about errors during sending e-mail and sms.

Internal updates:

  • Ready new mechanism for test keys.
  • Updated the tool for working on searching phrases.
  • Updated the tool for working on catalogue.
  • Updated the tool for working on checking products
  • Updated monitoring of the system to get more informative notifications.
  • Made the function for diagnostic queries of certain methods for certain keys.
  • Updated diagnostic of different servers.

April 6, 2021—1.77—global update of OT Platform services

April, 6, from 9:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 1 hour. Update will be without ReadOnly mode. At that time the work of system can be slower.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes 

  • We made getting of exact Taobao products quantity, which was unknown due to some reasons before. Gradually products with incorrect quantity will become less.
  • Added the setting for forbidden of selling products with incorrect quantity. If this feature is enabled, such products can’t be added in the cart. This feature will be available in the Box in the nearest update.
  • Ready tools for improving search by phrase. We’re going to work on it more specifically. First of all, to select appropriate search results for the most popular search queries.
  • Made some improvements of our site for OTAPI documentation.
  • Changed some auto-sanctions which is applied in a week after service bill non-payment. Now search by link and search by photo are disabled if service bill isn’t paid in one week.

March 4, 2021 - 1.76 - global update of OT Platform services

March, 4, from 9:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. (Moscow time) complex update of OT Platform services is planned.
All components of system will be affected to improve it, update and optimize.
Supposed pessimistic update time is 1 hour. Update will be with ReadOnly mode.
Here you can read how services update will influence websites performance.
The list of changes

  • We implemented a possibility for secure work with our API using a signature based on a secret part. Hence, if implement signature and activate protection, you can be sure no one can make requests to your API Key without knowing your secret. All details will be in documentation.
  • Ready the function for signing on using mobile phone and sms notifications. We integrated two sms services, also we can add another sms services (if our clients want another one). But we have to do a lot of work for implementation this system in Box. Follow our news.
  • Ready search by products features in the new system. Restored search filters (features) in search methods.
  • We made search by photo in new system. Database with images becomes bigger gradually and there aren’t a lot of deleted products in search by photo any more. We continue to improve quality of search by photo.
  • Ready search by brands in new system. Now when we add a brand in admin panel and try to find this brand using its name, we get variants of brands from all providers, not only Taobao.
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