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1. What is logistic service Shiptor?

Site: https://shiptor.ru/

Shiptor — is universal aggregator of delivery services. This company acts as a full-fledged logistic and transport partner, providing a comprehensive fullfilment. Each order requires attention, regardless of whether it is clothes or equipment. Single window system considerably simplifies work. The whole organization lies on Shiptor shoulders: orders processing and packaging on the warehouse, sending orders to customers.

2. Why do I need a logistician?

Taobao — is a popular marketplace but mainly cater to consumers in Chinese-speaking regions. You should have your own account on Taobao and Alipay (Chinese payment system) to buy goods on Taobao and know Chinese to get into website nuts and bolts. And even if you have this you need a warehouse because Taobao sellers send parcels only within China. Plus customers need guarantees on the correspondence of size, color, quality, efficiency of goods, etc. The logistian will make this work for you: 

  • he makes order on Taobao;
  • he pays for goods to Taobao sellers via Alipay;
  • he gets goods on his warehouse;
  • he makes exchange / refund and quality control (no defects, checks color and size matching); packs and sends parcels to your customer.

3. Will Shiptor representor be added into Skype-chat?

Yes. Shiptor representor will be added into your Skype-chat for your convenience. You will be able to ask all details and discuss working moments that arise during purchase and sending parcels to the end customers.

4. How website with Shiptor connection works?

  1. Your customers visit your website, choose goods and pay.
  2. Money for goods goes to your account in payment system (registered and connected during site setup).
  3. You see new order in website admin mode, check it and pass it to logistician (by one button).
  4. Check funds in your personal account on https://litemf.com/en/ and add funds if necessary.
  5. Order is automatically sent to logistic system.
  6. Logistician buys goods in China using funds on your account.
  7. Logistician checks goods defects, packs a parcel and sends it to your customer.

Goods and order statuses will change in your website admin mode on the whole route of the order. Thus, you and your customer will always track where the order is and what is happening with it.

5. What's the process of goods purchase and delivery from Taobao?

You register on https://litemf.com/en/ website after website purchase to create account for goods purchase. Shiptor will use this account for goods purchase. You pay 5% from Taobao price of goods for their purchase. Shiptor automatically receives order when your customers made order on your website, you checked it and sent to Shiptor for purchase by one button. After that Shiptor buys it using money on your account. Goods are sent to Shiptor warehouse. Once goods arrive there, Shiptor registers them. You can also get the following services for an additional fee:

  • verification of goods for compliance with their description;
  • additional photos (you get 2 photos for free);
  • goods protection service.

You can track parcel statuses in your website admin mode starting from the moment they arrive to logistic warehouse and until delivery to customer's address.

6. What's cash flow on website from buyer's purchase to Taobao purchase?

A personal account with cooperation with logistian will be created after registration on https://litemf.com/en/. Money is sent to your account in payment system when customer buys goods on your website. You use this money to add funds on your personal account on https://litemf.com/en/. Process of buying goods on Taobao starts after the receipt of funds.

You will be billed for delivery when goods arrive to logistic warehouse and parcel is ready for sending to customer. It will be automatically paid from your account in case it has enough funds.

7. How question with goods defects is solved?

9Goods are checked for defects immediately after arrival to logistic warehouse. Goods are canceled in the system and returned to seller in case defect is detected. Goods cost is returned to your account. And you can re-order goods, order similar one from another seller or refuse from this product.

Goods for replacement are ordered in a standard way through your website and combined with goods already received into one parcel.

8. Where is logistic service warehouse in China situated?

Full address of warehouse:

Country: China
Province: Hebei
City: Langfang
District: Guanguang
Street: Langfang economic and
technological development zone
Address: No.38 Huaxiang Road,
China postal express & logistics,
2d floor, TaoWa Shangmao
Zip Code: 065001

Or in Chinese:

中国 河北 廊坊 广阳区 廊坊经济技术开发区 华祥路38号邮政速递物流公司2楼套娃商贸有限公司

9.  How to optimize the calls on the site.

Sometimes our clients ask us questions, why they have so many calls on their sites and how they can be reduced. In this connection, we decide to make an algorithm, what you should do to reduce the number of calls.
If you what the call is, then you should read the article about it in our blog
First of all you need to check the number of calls in the admin panel: Reports › Service statistics > Calls detalization and Reports › Methods detail.
If you think, that you have too much the calls number, try to use the following steps:

1.     Close indexing in admin panel here: Promotion › SEO > Configuring indexing by search engines and set such settings:
Prohibition on indexing the main page (partially) - Index
Prohibition on indexing of goods lists in categories - Do not index
Prohibition on indexing of goods lists in brands - Do not index
Prohibition on indexing of product page - Do not index

2.      Check robots.txt file.
Correct robots.txt file must look like this:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*p=item
Disallow: /item
Disallow: /*p=category
Disallow: /category
Disallow: /*p=subcategory
Disallow: /subcategory
Disallow: /*p=search
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /*p=search_ajax
Disallow: /search_ajax
Disallow: /*p=vendor
Disallow: /*p=reviews
Disallow: /reviews

#Disallow: /category*from=*
#Disallow: /subcategory*from=*

#Sitemap: http://site.ru/sitemap.xml
#Host: site.ru

To change this file you need:
a.go to the root folder on your hosting.
b.find robots.txt file.
c.change the text.

3.      Check the log on the hosting, and from which IP addresses you get the biggest traffic, and check these IP addresses.
If search engine bots make a lot of calls, then they must be blocked.

To check the log you need to make the following steps:
a.find the file with the log on your hosting (or you can write in the hosting support with request to show you where this file is).
b.check the traffic. If some IP address gives a great number of calls, this IP must be checked and blocked.

To block using IP address you can in this file: .htaccess. You need to find there this rule:
Deny from – write the necessary IP address)

The example of checking IP address:
How to know what does this IP address mean? Is it a potential customer or a search engine bot?
For example, you can check IP address here https://2ip.ru/geoip/ If this IP address from US, most likely it’s a search engine bot.
Or if you have one million of calls from one IP address, that tells you, it’s not a person.
If you have OX (OT Commerce Hosting), our specialists check it by themselves. You just need to write a ticket in our support http://support.otcommerce.com.

4.     If your site has a customization, in this case you need to check it. Probably, some of the methods was made incorrect, and it makes too many calls.

How you can check it:
a.go to the admin panel (Reports – Billing – Methods detail) and check from what method you get too many calls.
b.find in your customization the call of this method.
c.correct the customization.

Is it possible to determine many calls on the site are made by real people?
Answer: No, there isn't any way on our side to figure out that it is real people who make calls and not search engine bots. If you want to minimize costs, then there are methods for this:
1. Showing a catalog / product detail page, only to registered users. This drastically reduces number of views.
2. Blocking all search engine bots. It will greatly reduce, it's possible to bypass such protection, but there isn't much sense in it.
3. Installing captcha, "on the site as a whole." There are ready scripts, you can find it in the internet.

All 3 ways can significantly reduce views, but everything has a downside. In this case, these are positions, or rather their absence in search engines. If this parameter isn't important for you, you can implement any of these 3 options or even a combination of them.

For example, if you apply the first option, service payment will decrease, but then may happen a situation, when a customer opens a product detail page, and there is nothing there or there is old information about the product. This is the reverse side of the coin. I.e. this method, on the one hand minimizes costs, and on the other hand potentially it greatly reduces income.

There is one more option. You can purchase a mobile app such as WebView. And in this case, WebView site is blocked for viewing by everyone except the mobile application. Promote the mobile app. There will be no bots and some left views.
If you use only our Key (API), all above-listed points are applicable, except points 1 and 2. In this case you need to forbid indexation in the code of your site.

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