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« Предыдущий Версия 4 Следующий »

Products are updated every 4 days. New products come with incomplete information, but next update will update it to complete information.

Products that have been in our database for a long time are updated only when checked in the cart (if you have OT Box based website), or when you re-request OT API (if you have API Key).

If you need to update product urgently, you can do it manually through OT product data collector plugin extension

Detailed steps:

- download OT product data collector plugin extension to Google Chrome browser https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ot-product-data-collector/illodkppnmjnmdcbolafjnllnpcljhfa?pli=1

- open your product on the original site (1688 or Taobao (Tmall) in the original language. This is important!

-select red box button and black button 

- please wait for information to be sent to our database by your product ID 

-refresh the page with this product card on your site (if you have OT Box based website) or https://open-demo.otcommerce.com/ website with your API Key (if you have API Key)

-  if you have API Key, after checking product card on https://open-demo.otcommerce.com/ with your API Key you can request information about this product via API

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