Tab for viewing and editing user roles. This tab is linked with Administrators section.
Location in admin panel: Users -› Roles
The tab primarily serves as a directory describing the main roles of admin users available in Administrators tab. You can add roles, delete (except “SuperAdmin” role), view permissions and edit.
User role differentiation is a way of defining rights and responsibilities for specific stages of work.
Rights list is huge, so there are a few rules that will help you speed up this process.
There are several main roles for convenience:
This is not a complete list of rights. You can find more details in admin panel.
To use a required role template, select it from drop-down list when adding or editing the role:
Select necessary role:
Check marks will appear in the list of rights after selecting. They will indicate user's rights to whom the role will be assigned.
Make sure to click "Save" button to apply changes.
All rights are divided into several sections. Each section is identified by the section of OT Box admin area and highlighted with blue font and dotted underlining:
You can use multiple choice option if you need to check or uncheck all items when adding or editing rights. Here is an example if the role needs rights to perform all operations with orders:
Check the box to the left of “Orders”:
All items were selected at once:
Remove checkmark to the left of text with blue font and dotted underlining if you need to reset selection (uncheck all items):
All checkmarks in the block will be removed after clicking checkbox:
All rights are divided into several sections. Each section is identified by OT Box admin area section and highlighted in blue font and dotted underlining:
Click text highlighted in blue font and dotted underlining and the list will collapse:
When the list is collapsed, a check mark on the left indicates that there are highlighted items within. The absence of check mark indicates that there are no highlighted items within:
Click text with blue font and dotted underlining again to expand the list back:
Open "Roles" tab to add role:
Click "Add" button:
Enter title for new role without spaces. Let's add warehouse admin as an example:
Select rights from template to simplify setup. Click drop-down list:
Select necessary role. If we have a warehouse admin, we decide that he/she will add/approve items in the warehouse. It looks like a content manager job. Select this template:
Uncheck unnecessary checkboxes:
Click "Save" button to apply changes:
Ready. The role was added to the list:
Go to Administrators section to read how to use it.
Click button with the eye in "Actions" column of required role:
See the page that opens:
Open "Roles" tab to edit role:
Click button with the pencil in "Actions" column of required role:
Make necessary changes (add or remove rights) in opened section:
Click "Save" button to apply changes:
Open "Roles" tab to delete role:
Click button with a cross in "Actions" column of required role:
Click "Yes" button to confirm action:
Ready. Role was deleted from the list.