Shipping calculator is a module that helps customers to estimate the shipping costs.

One of the most common questions asked by customers is How much will shipping cost? No doubt, one can accurately estimate the shipping costs during checkout but it is also important for the consumer to know approximate shipping costs in order to understand how many items he/she can afford. The “Shipping calculator” module does it brilliantly and helps the buyer to make a decision on purchase based on only three factors: the price of the item, weight and country of delivery.

Your job is to make the module noticeable and present it as a benefit in order to convince the buyer that he/she is right in purchasing goods on your website. (For example, "For your convenience, a" shipping calculator " is available to let you know the approximate cost of your package before completing checkout. The shipping calculator estimates the cost of shipping based on package weight and shows the total price of the order!)

! The “Shipping calculator” module is installed in all OT Box versions for free.

The shipping calculator is available for viewing and use, if you add /calculator

to your website address.

To enable the shipping calculator module to do its job properly, it is necessary to set up the following:

  1. 1.     Configuring delivery:
  2. 2.     External delivery:
  3. 3.     Shipping rates by country:
  4. Configuring the top, bottom and sidebar menu:

In order to accurately determine shipping costs you need to configure shipping and shipping rates. That’s where the price per kilogram for each shipping services you are using is set.

Configuring a menu (top, bottom or sidebar) allows you to display the “Shipping calculator” button in a menu and make the module available for use by customers.

If you're looking for more help or have a question to ask, please contact technical support service or our managers via Skype.