SMS registration is a convenient tool for interacting with customers.

Starting from admin version 1.12.2, you can set up SMS registration for your customers, as well as the ability to send various notifications via SMS.


It's necessary to follow the steps to set SMS registration:

  1. Select and configure SMS service

  2. Make settings in OT Box

  3. Set SMS registration

  4. Optionally enable SMS notifications and emails

Registering and configuring Twilio SMS service

Service of sending SMS in English. Therefore, all data is indicated in English. A complete list of Countries is available. Website is in three languages: English, German and Japanese.


Go to and click “Sign up” button

Fill in registration form.

When all the fields are filled in, put a tick, agreeing to the privacy policy and click “Start your free trial” button.

Confirm email.

An email with a link will be sent to your email address. Follow the link.

Enter your phone number, country code is selected on the left.

SMS with a code will be sent to specified number. Enter the code in a special field and click “Submit”.

After registration, fill out the form as shown in the screenshot.

Click “Get Started with Twilio” button when all the fields are filled:

You need to create Twilio phone number after registering and confirming your account. Go to Console section from your account page.

You will see "Get a trial phone number" button on this page.

Data from Twilio service for OT admin panel

Go to Console section from your account page.

Copy ACCOUNT SID clicking "Copy" button.

Copy AUTH TOKEN clicking "Copy" button.

Copy TWILIO PHONE NUMBER that was received in profile settings or Alphanumeric Sender ID that was registered earlier in the personal account


Service configuration is complete. We proceed to settings in OT admin panel.

Setting up services in OT admin panel

Go to “Configuration → System → General” section in admin panel

Scroll down “General” page to the bottom of “SMS service settings” heading. This is the section where we will enter data from SMS services.

It's necessary to create own tab with settings for each SMS service. "SMS service 1" tab is a default one. Click + button to create a second tab

Enable SMS service

Enable service to test work of SMS on your website, as well as start using SMS for mailing and registering customers. Click “Disabled”.

Select “Enabled” in drop-down list and save choice.

We recommend to configure services for sending SMS before enabling.

SMS service setup

Select “Service is” from drop-down menu in “SMS service” field 

Click "Save" button

In "Account info" field write what you copied in the service from ACCOUNT SID field.

Click "Save" button

Next field is “Account secret”. Write here what you copied in the service from AUTH TOKEN field

Click "Save" button

Next field is “Sender's info”. Write here what you set up in TWILIO PHONE NUMBER service (mandatory receipt of Twilio number) or Alphanumeric Sender ID (which was previously registered in your personal account).

Click "Save" button

Leave “Api Id” field without changes.

SMS services can be used to register customers, as well as for mailing (Promotions, discounts, reminders, etc.). Select “Enabled” in “Is current SMS service enabled for SMS distribution” field if the service will be used for mailings. Don't change the field if mailings are not required.

Save choice clicking "Save" button.

The use of service in mailing lists can be enabled or disabled at any time.

Add your own phone number to test service work.

Click "Save" button.

Then click “Test” button and wait for a message to specified number.

Enable registration by SMS

Your customers indicate their phone number where confirmation code will be sent. The phone number, like other data about the buyer, will be indicated in his profile.


Open "Users → Settings” section

Find "Allow phone registration" field.

Click "Disallowed" and select "Allowed" in drop-down menu.

Click "Save" button.

Now everyone who registers on your site will use the phone to register.

Enable SMS notifications

Notifications from admin panel, users or website will be sent to specified phone numbers.

Open “Configuration → System → General” section in admin panel

Find "Notification settings" block on the right and click "SMS notifications" tab

It's possible to select Russian or English languages for notifications.


There is only one setting here: phone list. Click “List of phones for notifications” field.

Indicate phone numbers with the country code. Each number should be entered on a new line (ENTER button).

Click "Save" button

It's possible to edit the list of phone numbers at any time. Click cross to the right of the number and "Save" button to delete irrelevant phone numbers.

Setting up SMS service templates

1 SMS in Latin can hold up to 160 characters.

Open Configuration → Letters templates section

We are interested in those templates that have (SMS) at the end

You must enable the use of SMS services if you do not have such templates (scroll down “Configuration → System → General” and select “Enabled”)

Click necessary template to edit SMS template.

Interface for editing template will open

It's important to remember that 1 SMS in Latin can hold up to 160 characters.

There are also auxiliary constructs. They are marked red and inserted into the text of SMS when clicked.

This helps to make messages versatile and they are configured to specific recipient.

Write message text and save it clicking "Save" button

It's necessary to customize all message templates in the same way.

We recommend to plan SMS text in text editors for convenience where characters are counted.

Add / edit customer's phone number

You can add or edit customer's phone number if necessary.

In addition, customer can personally add or change phone number through Personal Account.

Customer will receive SMS for confirmation after changing or adding the phone number.

Go to "Users → Customers" to add customer's phone number through the admin panel

Select user who needs to add or edit the phone number.

Click gear button in “Actions” column and select “Edit” button from the list.

Add customer's phone number (or edit) in the "Phone" field.

Save changes.

Find this customer again and click gear button in "Actions" column

Select "Confirm phone number"

Customer will receive SMS notifications after confirming the number. No action from customer is required from the buyer himself in this case.

Confirm customer's phone number

Go to "Users → Customers" section to confirm customer's phone number in admin panel

Select user whose phone number needs to be confirmed.

Click gear button in "Actions" column

Select "Confirm phone number"

Customer will receive SMS notifications after confirming the number. No action from customer is required from the buyer himself in this case.