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« Предыдущий Версия 9 Текущий »

This section allows you to view and edit templates for system messages sent to your website visitors.

Location in admin panel: Configuration > Letters templates.


System messages are the ones sent automatically in response to website user’s actions (or lack of action). For example, visitor registered on your website. He or she will get confirmation message. Customer added goods to shopping cart but did not make payment. He or she will get abandoned cart reminder.

Such messages are a great way to improve customer loyalty, as users get a response to their actions, and also to increase conversion rate (as, for instance, in case of “abandoned” shopping cart messages).

This section is available in admin area version 1.7.4 and later. New message templates will be added automatically.

Every email template that you find in admin panel already contains default text. You can always adjust the letters for your business needs.

Language versions

Message templates in all language versions enabled on your website are editable.

Click language on the right side of the screen to select language for editing templates and select necessary language from drop-down list.

There are always 1 or 2 languages by default. Go to “Multilingualism” section (Configuration → Languages → Multilingualism) to select and add more languages to your website.

Editing message templates

Click grey blocks that show each template title to move from one template to another.

Default template

Applicable for multiple language versions. 

The default template you choose will be used when there is no template in the user's native language.

That is: you have a template in the English language version but there is no Chinese one. Users of Chinese version will receive letter from the English version. Sometimes it's convenient if letter does not contain texts. In addition, response to user's actions in English is still better than nothing. Therefore, all templates in English are listed as default templates and follow the steps if you want to make a default template for all languages:

Click blue dotted text "No" next to "Is default template":

Select “Yes” in drop-down list to enable this feature (or “No” to disable it):

Be sure to click check-mark button to save changes.


This template will be used as default one now for all website language versions (or won’t be used in case you chose “No”).

Subject of message

Subject of message will contain information from this field.

Subject of message may include some small “placeholders” in curly braces to personalize it. For example, you can insert website address, name or date. All possible “placeholders” are listed right below the text edit field for subject of message. 

Click red label during editing to insert this data into header and it will appear at cursor position.

Click dashed blue underlined text to modify subject of a message.

Write new subject or change previous one in text edit field.

Click check-mark button to save.

All done! Subject was modified.

Text of message

Text of message is specified in this block.

Text of message may include some small “placeholders” in curly braces to personalize it. For example, you can insert website address, name or date. All possible “placeholders” are listed right underneath text editor for text of message.

Чтобы вставить такую конструкцию, поставьте курсор в сообщении в нужном месте (например, где хотите указать дату изменения корзины) и кликните мышкой по красной надписи. Конструкция будет сразу вставлена в указанное место.

Place cursor where you need and change content in order to modify message. Text editor is similar to MS Word.

Click check-mark button (on the right) to save.

Направление текста

Для каждого шаблона предусмотрена смена направления текста. По умолчанию стоит слева направо.

Можно выбрать «Справа налево» для таких языков, как арабский или иврит.

Для выбора кликаем по надписи с пунктиром:


Выбираем из списка нужное направление текста.

Сохраняем выбор с помощью кнопки с галочкой.

Текст в шаблоне останется без изменений, однако, адресат письма получит его в указанном направлении текста.

Test message

Enter your message address in appropriate window at the bottom of message template to preview a test message (to see how your message displays to buyers) and send it.

Click “Test” button and check message output in your message account. 

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