This is where one can view details on a selected order.

Navigate to: Orders > Order Number in the administrative area.

How to get to the Order Page

To get to the order page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the administrative area of your e-store.

  2. Select the “Order” item in the left-hand sidebar menu.

  3. Click on the order number

    • On the “By orders” tab

    • On the “By items” tab


The order page consists of a number of basic blocks:

  1. Order number and order actions (the first line at the top)

  2. A summary of order and items information (the gray block at the top)

  3. Information about buyer (the yellow block on the right)

  4. Order actions (the block that contains tabs at the bottom)

How to return to the orders list

To return to the orders list you should click on the “Back to orders list” button.

Searching orders

To switch to another order one can use the search orders area   located in the order details.

To find an order by number, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the last digits of the order number other than zero (for example, if the order number is ORD-0000000023   you should enter value 23):

  2. Click the magnifier glass icon.

  3. An order you are looking for will show up in search results.

Order number and order actions

On the order page the first line contains the number of the order you are viewing.

Next you will see the menu “Order actions”.

  1. Export

  2. Cancel

  3. Recover

  4. Close

  5. Combine


Export is a feature that makes it possible to download an order you are viewing to an Excel *xls file to your PC.

To export an order you are viewing, follow these steps:

Click on the “Order actions” button.

Select “Export” in the dropdown menu that appears. You will be prompted to save the file. Please save it. After the file has been saved, it is available on you PC.

This file will contain the following information:

  1. Customer full name

  2. Customer address

  3. Order number

  4. Item (link to Taobao)

  5. Color

  6. Size

  7. 颜色分类 (color in Chinese)

  8. 尺码 (size in Chinese)

  9. Item photo

  10. Quantity

  11. Item price (the original price in yuans)

  12. Discount price (the discount price in yuans)

  13. China delivery(the original price per unit in yuans)

  14. Total China delivery cost for all items

  15. Total price (the original price in yuans)

Cancel and recover an order

Once the order has been paid (has been purchased but not been received at the warehouse), it can be cancelled:

Click on the “Order actions” button.

Select “Cancel” in the dropdown menu that appears.

Once you have clicked on “Cancel”, a confirm screen will appear asking if you are sure you want to cancel the order. If you are sure you want to cancel it click “Yes”.

Once you’ve clicked “Yes” the order status changes to “Canceled”.

If you need to recover an order, follow these steps:

Click on the “Order actions” button.

Select “Restore” in the dropdown menu that appears.

Once you have clicked on “Restore”, a confirm screen will appear asking if you are sure you want to recover the order. If you are sure you want to recover it click “Yes”.

Once you’ve clicked “Yes” the items price will be recalculated and be relevant to the date of recovery.

The order status changes to “Awaiting payment”.

The order recovery feature is applicable only for orders in “Canceled” status.


If you need to close an order, follow these steps:

Click on the “Order actions” button.

Select “Close” in the dropdown menu that appears.

Once you have clicked on “Close”, a confirm screen will appear asking if you are sure you want to close the order. If you are sure you want to close it click “Yes”.

Once you’ve clicked “Yes” the order status changes to “Completed”.

After the order has been closed it can only be exported (see the “Export” section above).

You can close only orders that are in one of the following statuses:

  1. Processing

  2. Additional order

  3. Processing at Warehouse

  4. Awaiting confirmation of packing

  5. Ready for packing

  6. Ready to ship

  7. Shipped


First, open an order to be added to another one (to be combined):

Click on the “Order actions” button.

Select “Merge” in the dropdown menu that appears.

This will bring up the list of orders that can be combined. Select the order to be combined as shown on the screenshot.

After you have selected the desired order click on “Merge”.

The order you have been selected from the list will be marked as the basic one and changes its status to “Awaiting payment”. The basic order will contain all items from the order which it was combined with.

What orders can be combined?

It will depend on the following:

  1. Goods provider (for example, Taobao and “Goods in stock”). One can combine orders of the same goods provider, not different ones. For example, if an order contains Taobao items and another one contains items from “Goods in stock” module, they can not be combined.

  2. Status Whether or not orders can be combined depends on the order status.

For illustrative purposes let us consider the order statuses in the following table.

The first line contains statuses of the basic order (to which you may add another order).

The first column contains statuses of an order which you may add to the basic order.


Can or cannot be combined





Awaiting Payment

Awaiting Additional Payment



Additional Order

Processing at warehouse


for Packing

Ready to Ship




Awaiting Payment


Awaiting Additional Payment






Additional Order


Processing at Warehouse


Ready for Packing


Ready to Ship







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