Description of demo site templates of OpenTrade Commerce Platform
General description
All standard templates of demo website are in templates/ folder
It’s necessary to copy required template into templatescustom/ folder for its customization. For example, we customize template templates/main/headernew.html. It’s necessary to move it from templates/main/headernew.html to templatescustom/main/headernew.html if we need to customize it.
Showcase templates description
There are folders with files in templates folder. They are listed in Table 1. Table shows examples to corresponding pages on demo website
Table 1. templates folder structure
folder | file | description |
brands | brandlistnew.html | File contains brands output on all brands page. |
calculator | calculator.html | Delivery calculator output on calculator page. For example, |
main websitemain templates | allcats.html | Output of all categories list. For example, |
| bannersnew.html | Banners output on home page. |
| basketnew.html | Output of website shopping cart. For example, |
| crumbsnew.html | Breadcrumbs output. |
| footernew.html | Information output into site footer. |
| headernew.html | Header output. |
| iteminfonew.html | Flypage (item card) output. For example, |
| itemlistnew.html | Goods list output in search by categories. For example, |
| searchpropnew.html | Search filters output in in search by categories. These filters are output on the left of goods list. For example, |
| subcategorylistnew.html | Subcategories output. |
| supportlistnew.html | Favorites output. For example, |
pay | pay.html | Payment methods output in personal account. |
| pay_form.html | Payment form output. |
order | step1new.html | First step of ordering. Goods weight is calculated at this step. Available to authorized users. |
| step2new.html | Second step of ordering. Order type is selected at this step: new order or additional order to an existing one. Available to authorized users. |
| step3new.html | Third step of ordering. Delivery information and delivery options are added at this step. Available to authorized users. |
| step4new.html | Fourth step of ordering. All information about order is added at this step. It’s required to approve order at this step. Available to authorized users. |
privateoffice personal account | maininfo.html | Main information about user is added: payability information, orders, user himself. Available to authorized users. |
| moneyinfo.html | Main information about user is added: payability information. Available to authorized users. |
| order.html | Main information about user is added: user’s orders. Available to authorized users. |
| pay.html | Main information about user is added: information about payments for orders. Available to authorized users. |
| subscribe.html | Main information about subscription is added. Available to authorized users. |
users | login.html | User’s authorization page on website. For example, |
| newmessage.html | Form of creating new message to support from personal account. Available to authorized users. For example,, |
| profile.html | User personal information: personal data, information for delivery. Available to authorized users. For example, |
| recovery.html | Recovery password page. For example, |
| register.html | New user registration page. For example, |
| support.html | Page with messages to support from personal account. For example, |
| viewmessage.html | Page with messages to support from personal account. Available to authorized users. |