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This subsection focuses on how to configure internal delivery: from a seller to a logistician in China.

Navigate to Configuration > Delivery > Internal in the administrative area.

Within the “Internal Delivery” subsection, one can see the list of delivery methods and a region (state/province) of delivery.


Configuring delivery methods

Enter a delivery service name in the “Add delivery method” field or select it from the dropdown list.

Select the desired delivery method and click the Add button (the plus sign).

The selected method will be displayed in the left-hand column — “Delivery methods”

Click the Save button to apply changes.

Configuring a region (state/province) of delivery 

Click on the dashed blue underlined text “Select State/Province/Region”

Select a state/province/region where your logistician is located by clicking the blue underlined text “Select”.

Once both a delivery method and region have been configured you should click the Save button to apply changes.


The chosen delivery methods will be displayed on the Item Page in the “Internal delivery” area.

The "Internal delivery" area need not be displayed on the website. For more information, see the “Item Page (Configuration)” section.

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