Brand in OT Box is an official store that provides only original products of specified brand.

You can edit the page of popular brands in Catalog → Collections → Popular brands section.

You can hide or restrict certain brands to display / purchase in Catalog → Restrictions → Brands section.

You can restrict or allow sale of restricted goods in Configuration → Orders → General.

Add brand to "Brands" page

There are two ways to add a brand: select from the list of popular ones (specially selected by OT Box staff) or add it manually (you need to know brand name or its id).

Brands on the page are sorted alphabetically (first letters of names).

Go to Catalog → Brands.

Select from popular brands list

Click "Select from list".

A list of brands will open. Select brands by clicking the name. A check mark will appear next to it.

Scroll the page down and click "Add" button.

Brands will appear in the "Brands" tab and on the page with all the brands on your site after clicking the button.

Add manually (if there is no brand in the list)

You can add brand yourself, knowing its id or name if it is not in the list.

Click "Add" button.

Then you can search either by brand id or by name. Depending on what you have.

A page for adding a new brand will open. Click "Brand name" field and enter the first characters of brand name.

When you start typing brand name, a drop-down list will appear with options for brands existing on Taobao.

Click necessary brand and select it.

Put a tick in "Find by name".

You can save selected brand and edit it later. Click "Save" button.

If you know brand ID you can enter it in b

You can save selected brand and edit it later. Click "Save" button.

Click "Save and add more" button instead of "Save" button If we want to add one other brands.

View Editing block if you have opportunity to enter all data about selected brand (description, logo, etc.) immediately. The use of editing capabilities is identical.


Go to Catalog → Brands.

There is actions menu at the top right of the brand.

Edit name, description, logo, SEO attributes

Click a pencil ("Edit" button) under the brand logo to enter edit mode.

Edit form contains the same fields as adding a brand. 

Brand name and store

You can edit brand name which will be shown on the site, as well as select another brand store.

Click "Brand name" title and edit name or select new one from the list.

It is worth selecting new store if goods assortment and quality of the old one are in doubt.

Just edit the line without selecting anything from the list if our goal is a laconic name for your customers. Click the mouse outside the input field to remove offered brands list.

Click "Save" button if editing is complete.

Click "Select" button to change logo and select new logo on your PC.

It is advisable to select square logos with a transparent background.

Click "Change" button if selected logo suits you.

New logo will immediately appear on the brand page. You can change it again at any time.

Click "Save" button if editing is complete.

SEO attributes

Filling in "SEO attributes" is necessary for website promotion. More information about search engine optimization can be found in "SEO" article. This article contains tips on website general design and how to prepare it for promotion. There is also a general setting for all brand pages.

Use "SEO attributes" section for individual settings of each brand.

Each field has its own purpose:

  • Title — a text to be displayed in browser page title. Brand name is default appears on a tab in the browser and also when your potential customer searches for a brand through Google or Yahoo!
  •  — adds frequent starts and ends for standard searches: not only Aser but Buy inexpensive Aser in China.
  • Keywords — 5-6 phrases that help your potential buyers to find your site through the purchase brand search. These phrases are seen only by search engines and remember what your page is about to recommend to users.
  • Description — A short description of what the page is about. It is displayed in search engine immediately after the Title. Search engines understand what your page is about through description and recommend it to users.

Read more how to compose descriptions, titles, etc., in Google article

Open the form clicking "SEO attributes".

Fill in all necessary fields.

Brand name will be used instead of title if "Title" field is empty.

Click "Save" button after filling in the fields.

Delete brand from "Brands" page

You can delete brand and hide it for customers if a brand no longer serves your business interests.

Open Catalog → Brands in admin panel.

Click a cross ("Delete" button) above the brand logo.

Click "Delete" button to confirm if you really decided to delete the brand.

Brands are not permanently removed. You can return the brand (without your personal settings) using "Add" button.

Disable brand on "Brands" page

This option is convenient to use when you need to hide brand page temporarily. 

Open Catalog → Brands in admin panel.

Click crossed out circle ("Disable brand page" button) above the brand.

Brand is disabled after clicking and turns gray in the admin panel. It can also be edited, deleted, but disabled brand is not shown on the site in "Brands" section.

Click checkmark button ("Enable brand page" button) to enable brand page.

The page will be enabled after clicking and brand will be shown again on your site on "Brands" page.

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