Download plugin 

Click image to download plugin: 


Plugin requires OT API Key which you can buy separately according to set rates.


Installation of WooCommerce plugin for Wordpress with API Key integration:

  1. Download archive with plugin (follow "Download plugin" section

       2. Download and extract archive into \wp-content\plugins\ folder. 

You can upload archive by the following ways:

    • manually by uploading plugin archive to FTP of your hosting using any FTP client;
    • through hosting file manager by uploading plugin archive;
    • manually by uploading plugin archive in .zip format through WordPress site admin panel in "Plugins" section.

      3. Through hosting file manager or FTP client rename \wp-content\plugins\ot-external\config-example.php file to \wp-content\plugins\ot-external\config.php file.

      4. Through hosting file manager or FTP client enter your OT API Key into define constant ('CFG_SERVICE_INSTANCEKEY', ' ') in \wp-content\plugins\ot-external\config.php file. Please note that you can receive an API Key after purchasing it according to set rates.

      5. Activate plugin in Wordpress admin panel in "Plugins" section:

     6. Go to Settings -> Permalinks /wp-admin/options-permalink.php in your WordPress admin panel, select any Clean (friendly) URL for "Permalink structure" setting (for example, "Day and name")

     7. Go to /wp-admin/plugins.php?page=otcommerce in admin panel of your WordPress website and click Reset cache button!

      8. You can check categories page on your WordPress site http://site-name/category-external/.


OT Commerce does not provide maintenance or support for Wordpress CMS or WooCommerce plugin.

OT Commerce provides and maintains API for catalog, search and product information.

Setting up Wordpress and WooCommerce, as well as working with customers and processing orders is carried out by the site owner (or hired third-party programmers or managers).

Server Requirements

Php 7.0+

Php short_open_tag=On

How plugin works

OT plugin (WooCommerce for Wordpress with API Key OT integration) allows to get and display product information of popular marketplaces on your WooCommerce site from OpenTrade Commerce database by API.

OT plugin works on the principle of product information broadcasting. This means that all goods are stored in OpenTrade Commerce database. Information about goods is transferred to WooCommerce online store via API. 

User can add any product to the shopping cart. Product is added to WooCommerce database when client adds it to the cart. At this stage, OT plugin work is rolled up. Business logic of WooCommerce plugin for Wordpress starts working, which will allow user to place an order. OT plugin does not take part in order formation, it is only required to display and update product information.

OT plugin adds 3 pages to your WordPress site:


All products and categories available in OpenTrade Commerce database are displayed on the site by API. They are not stored in WordPress online store database.

This operation principle allows to accomplish the following tasks:

  1. Wordpress online store is not designed to store a large amount of data (more than 1 billion products). If all products are uploaded directly to WordPress online store, it will significantly reduce website speed and performance or lead to a complete stop of online store. OT plugin allows to receive and display information about millions of products of popular marketplaces into WordPress online store without compromising site performance. Transferring data about products via API does not load the site and it works as usual.
  2. Storing a large amount of information requires significant costs for servers and their maintenance. In our development, all information is stored in OT database and you pay only for calls made to get required product information. You can read more about calls here
  3. Using API to get product information allows customers to see only the products they are looking for and want to buy. This way, you won't pay for all products at once, but only for required ones. This will optimize and reduce your costs.
  4. Goods search by API works much faster than by huge product database.

Plugin work features 

Working with shopping cart

Goods are added to the shopping cart according to the following principles:

  1. Each configuration is a new product (for example, red and blue dress from one product card will be displayed as 2 products: red dress and blue dress). This is done because goods by price can be different and have different balance.
  2. If you add again an item that has already been added to the cart, you will have 2 separate items. This helps when working with provider 1688 with a limit on items minimum number and different prices which depend on items number. In addition, this is a feature of system's work with the broadcast of goods. 
  3. If a product is added today, but it was issued on another day or week, price will most likely be outdated. However, there is a solution to this. See "Updating price and balances" section.
  4. It's not possible to leave product review after ordering, as products are not stored in WordPress online store database.

Updating price and balances

There is a special button in details of each order to sell item at current price (or offer an analog if seller has run out of item).

Click "Update Price and Balances" under each item before processing the order and notify customer if something has changed. 

Plugin benefits 

  • Broadcasting a large number of products in your WordPress online store.
  • Opportunity to connect several product providers (Taobao/Tmall, 1688, Alibaba, JD, Pinduoduo, AliExpress, Amazon, Ebay, Shein, Trendyol) at once.
  • Quick search for products in the system.
  • Photo search functionality.
  • Automatic updating of product information.
  • Translation of information into 1 required language.
  • Technical and client support of OT API Key.

Plugin configuration

First of all it's necessary to configure API Key. Use OT Key API documentation:

Log into admin panel to configure OT API Key.

Go to

Enter your key:

Enter login and password that you received with the Key: 

Now you can configure various API functions in admin panel.


Go to OT Key admin panel to Pricing → Currency section to specify currency for goods prices.

Choose currency from the list on the right. 

The currency you choose will be used in your WooCommerce online store.


You can work only with 1 currency. You can select multiple currencies in OT Key settings but only the first active currency you select will work on your WooCommerce site.

Select currency in the list on the right.

Then click "Save" button at page bottom.

Now you need to finish currency setup in admin panel of your WooCommerce site.

Go to WordPress admin panel under WooCommerce → Settings → Basic → Currency to set up currency in WooCommerce.

or /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=general


It's necessary to select language in OT Key admin in Configuration → Languages → Multilanguage in the column on the right. Translations will be in the first language from the list for buyers on WooCommerce site.

Then click "Save" button.

To set language in WooCommerce plugin you need to go to WordPress admin panel to WooCommerce → Settings → General → Site Language section.

or /wp-admin/options-general.php

Display catalog, categories and goods. Search for categories and goods

RequestExample for your websiteПример с демо-сайта ОпенТрейд Коммерс

Display catalog (all categories) 


Display products by category or search page by category

Display product card or product search page


There are prefixes for products from different providers in OT API. Check documentation.
Display product search page by word, phrase, description, etc.https://yoursite/search-external/?search=word,phrase,description,etc.

Available shortcodes

[[ot_search]] - block with search bar for products in OTcommerce catalog

[[ot_drop_down_menu_categories]] - icon with drop-down menu of OTcommerce categories


The list of plugin versions:

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