Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.



This is where the appearance of your website is customized.

Navigate to Configuration > Website Architecture in the administrative area.

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Website Header

This subsection focuses on how to customize the appearance of the website header.

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  • The recommended size is 300 px in width by 100 px in height.
  • The recommended image format is png with a transparent background. Allowed image formats are gif, jpg.

Click the Change button.

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Select the desired logo image on your computer. To save the settings click on the check box.

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The logo you have selected will appear on the website immediately after saving.

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Website Title

This is where we type a text to be displayed in the website header.

Click on the dashed line.

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In the text area that appears type the website header text (in our example you can see “Demo site of the OT Box”

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Save the text by clicking the check box.

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The text will appear on the website immediately after saving.

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Click on the dashed line.

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In the subsequent textbox enter your contact telephone number (in our example you can see “8-800-000-000”.

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Save the telephone number by clicking the check box.

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The telephone number will appear on the website immediately after saving.

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Operating Schedule

This is where one can specify operator’s hours of work, the time intended for order processing and call answering.

Click on the dashed line.

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In the field that appears enter the hours of work (in our example one can see “We’re open: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.”

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Save the text by clicking the check box.

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The hours of work will appear on the website immediately after saving.

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Online Support Block

Если у Вас есть сервис онлайн поддержки покупателей, то рекомендуем включить «Блок онлайн поддержки» в шапке сайта.

Click on the dashed line.

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Select a display mode from the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow.

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Save the settings by clicking the check box.

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The online chat will appear on the website immediately after saving.

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Online Support

Currently there are a lot of services which allow you to set up an online chat on your website. For its operation a special code is provided to be placed on your website. There is an area in the right-hand corner of the header for this purpose.

With the special code at hand you need to:

Click on the dashed line.

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In the text area that appears paste the online chat code.

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Save the settings by clicking the check box.

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Web Pages Settings

One can add web pages (for example, “About us” or “FAQ”) to the website using the instructions given in the Content section.

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Sidebar Navigation

This is where one can select a display mode of navigation menu on the website’s web pages. By default the navigation menu is displayed on the left. There are three display modes:

1. Show all pages

2. Only show topics

3. Hide left menu

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To select a menu display mode one should do the following:

Click on the dashed line.

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Select a display mode from the drop-down menu by clicking the down arrow.

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Save the settings by clicking the check box.

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Text Direction

This is where you can define the layout of blocks on the website for languages which differ in the direction of reading. It is recommended that you specify the right-to-left text direction for the following languages: Arabic, Persian, Yiddish and Urdu.

The default text direction is left-to-right.

To modify a text direction you should do the following:

Click on the dashed line.

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Select the right-to-left or left-to-right option from the dropdown menu after you have clicked on the down arrow.

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To save the settings click on the check box.

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This is how it is:

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Your Code in the Head Section of Website Template

Sometimes there is a need to place a code in the head section of website template (counters, Yandex or Google statistics and other services). This is what this block is meant for. By default it is empty.

To add a code one should do the following:

Click on the grey dashed line.


In the text area that appears paste a html-code.

Save the settings by clicking the check box.


Design Themes

This is where one can set one of free design variants. The default design theme is Standard.

Design Themes


To change a design theme you should do the following:

Select a design theme (for example, Kara Kum).

Click on the Install button which is beneath of each design theme.

You will see that the selected theme is highlighted in yellow whereas the Install button changes to the notification “Current theme:”

Thus the website’s design has been changed.


Refresh the website by pressing the F5 button (on the keyboard). Once you have done this the changes will be available on the website.


This is how it was:


This is how it is:
