Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


  • Payment System Selection
  • Payment System Enabling
  • Setting Features of Various Payment Systems 


To enable the Payment System (PS) you need to choose it first. As soon as you choose the required system please contact our technical support for enabling the chosen system for free. Enabling more than one system is charged extra. Please see tariffs on on http://opentaoen.otcommerce.net/terms-and-prices/our-services.htmlcom/products/integration-payment .

Select Payment System

To select appropriate PS please note the following:


  • On your own, using Settings Details section of the chosen Payment Systems.
  • To allow access to your account/e-wallet, thus all the necessary settings will be made by Opentao OpenTrade Commerce specialists.

4. To provide the necessary data, specified in chosen Payment System Settings Features section, to support service in request for modification when setting up the account/e-wallet independently.


Setting Features of Various Payment Systems 


Data for OpenTrade CommerceДанные для Опентао
IDобычно email владельца аккаунтаUsually it is email of the account holder+Язык интерфейса оплаты
Language of the payment interface +Страна продавца
Seller Country +
ВалютаCurrency +