Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Location in admin panel: Configuration → Website configuration

Language version of site header


You can add promotional offer text above website header. For example, information about a sale or about shipping or birthday bonuses.

Customer can hide promotional offer by mouse click. Offer will be hidden for one day and shown next day.

This line with promotional offer will be visible on the home page a well as all other pages of your store.


Used in the same cases as “Custom code for the head section of template". Third-party services always clearly indicate where it is better to add their code. For example, you need to write a code from Facebook pixel into this field (this is an analytics tool for identifying your advertising effectiveness, which allows you to study audience behavior of your website and create customized audiences).

Open “Configuration -> Configuration → Global website template” section in admin panel


To change a design theme you should do the following:

Select a design theme (for example, KaraKum).
