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Limitation: new applications will be available only for adaptive templates - website has a mobile version (It is Elastic template in OT Box)!


Settings for App Store and Google Play











Firebase. A developer account is required. 

Where can I get a developer account?

Google Play

Step 1: Create account

Follow the link https://play.google.com/console/u/0/developers 


Use VPN (relevant for residents of the Russian Federation) if following the link does not work

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Make sure to create a new account

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Fill in the fields and click "Next" button

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Verify your phone number.

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After registration Google will require you to enable two-step verification to access the developer interface. Follow the prompts and turn it on for a while.

Before transferring the account to developers, it is better to turn off two-step authentication while working with the application or be ready to constantly send verification codes to developers.

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Disable via account settings

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Select "Security" in the menu

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Select "Signing in with 2-Step Verification was turned on" in the list of recent activities

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Enter your password again and turn off 2-Step Verification

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This is unsafe, so turn it back on immediately after finishing work on the application! The scheme is similar to turning off.

Follow the link https://play.google.com/console/u/0/developers again and create a developer account for the organization

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Step 2: Fill out the questionnaire and accept the terms of the agreement

A questionnaire will open which you will need to fill out as well as check the consent boxes. Pay attention to “Developer name” and "Organisation name" fields, as they will be seen by users on Google Play.

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Step 3: Account payment

Pay 25$ fee with a credit card. You will need to confirm your identity (passport photo or driver's license) after payment

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Create project

Follow the link https://firebase.google.com/


Click “Add project”

Specify project name (1) - your website URL (domain name), put a tick next to the agreement (2) and click “Continue” button (3)


There is a choice here: create for Android or for iOS. The example shows how to create an Android application


Step 1

Indicate in English Make a unique application identifier (Bundle ID) in English in “Android package name” field (1) in the application store (App Store or Google Play) in “Android package name” field (1).



How to make Bundle ID?

  1. Take your website URL (for example, bundle.my)
  2. Take your website name in Latin (Name)
  3. Combine option1 and option2 by writing through a dot: firstly, the end of domain my (you can have any: com, ru, org, etc.), then the second part of domain bundle (you get com.bundle) and finally, the store name in Latin: Name (you get my.bundle.name)

More examples:

Website name
Bundle ID

We recommend to specify name of your store based on the OT Box in “App nickname” (2) field.

Register application clicking “Register app” button (3)


Scroll down to “Next” button and click it.


. All fields will be filled in automatically and you do not need to add anything.

Step 4

Click “Continue to console” 


Select (1) message lifetime (how long it will be relevant and wait for the user when he appears on the network. This feature helps to set promotions and time-limited offers).

Click  Click “Review” button after that (2)
