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This subsection focuses on how to specify delivery costs by destination (a country you are shipping to).

Navigate to Configuration > Delivery > Shipping Rates by Country in the administrative area.

Here you are able to add only a country for which a delivery method was setup in the “External Delivery” subsection.

A delivery country should be setup in order to display an available delivery method for the country specified in the customer’s delivery profile during the checkout process.


To add a delivery country you need to select it from the dropdown list (above the shipping rates table) and click the Add button.

Select a delivery country in the drop-down list.

In window that appears you should specify the initial delivery cost and delivery step cost.

All values are set in currency assigned when creating a delivery method.

To make a shipping rate available on the website please check the checkbox “Availability”.

When all the fields have been completed you should click the Save button.

After that is done, the delivery method and country will appear in the general list.


To edit a delivery country (along with the associated delivery cost calculation criteria) you need to click on the Edit button (the pencil icon) in the “Actions” column.

It will open a popup window similar to that for adding a delivery country.

After making changes, the Save button will ensure that they are applied.


To delete a delivery country (along with the associated delivery cost calculation criteria) you need to click on the Close button (the X) in the “Actions” column.

Once you have clicked on the Close button you should confirm your choice.

If you are sure you want to delete the delivery country click “Yes”.

If you don’t want to delete the delivery country you need to close the window or click the Cancel button.

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