Goods from stock is a module that allows to add products from your own database. It can be done in website admin panel. These goods will be displayed by categories on a showcase page, buyers will view and order them.

It is also possible to add Taobao goods. In this case product will be added by Taobao link to product. Product will be cached and stored on website even if it is removed from Taobao. In this case, if a product is added using a link to Taobao, information about it is cached and stored on the site, even if the product is subsequently deleted from Taobao.

There are the following main advantages of this module:

  1. Sales increase: if buyer buys goods “from stock” of excellent quality once, then he will buy more next time because he will be confident in quality.
  2. Trust to you as a seller because you are more familiar to the buyer and closer than an unknown person in China (at least by language and mentality!)
  3. Special category of goods or whole catalog: it is an excellent opportunity to sell goods with special offers massively (for example, “Winter goods”, “Goods that passed quality control”, “Goods with free delivery”, “Goods with fast delivery”, etc.)
  4. A clear and pleasant goods card: many buyers are not pleased by “clumsy” Chinese names and descriptions: “Suddenly this is not what I want?”. This module will allow you to provide guarantee that goods are checked as well as clear name, exact description, characteristics and real sizes.
  5. Solving of overstocking problem: you probably have goods that for some reason “settled” in the warehouse if you work with Taobao for a long time. For example, buyer returned goods because size did not fit or seller sent wrong color. Or maybe you bought a running article wholesale and are now looking for a way to quickly sell (for example, in the season).

These are powerful tools for increasing sales bound in one module!


“Goods from stock” is a paid module for your business promotion! It is not included into any version of OT Box. It is possible to enable at extra chanrge.

Contact OT managers in your Skype-chat to buy module and follow instructions provided.

Besides, manager will answer questions on module functionality and will help with payment.

See price-list for module price.

How it works?

You will have a new tab called “Goods from stock” in admin panel in “Catalog” section:

You add goods from stock and show them on main page using step-by-step instruction. The only thing left is t inform customers about unique opportunity to buy quality and checked goods. 

Please refer to detailed instruction how to work with the module:

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