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This page allows one to view orders details. The “Purchase” tab.

Go to: Orders > Order number (ID) in the administrative area of your website.


Ready for purchase

The items the status of which is “Paid” are displayed in the “Ready for purchase” section on the “Purchase” tab.


Items information 

This section includes the items list. Each item contains the following:

  1. Order and item number.

  2. Item status.

  3. Photo.

  4. SKU.

  5. Vendor name.

  6. Item configuration (color, size in the language of the administrative area and in Chinese).

  7. Weight.

  8. Price.

  9. Quantity.

  10. Total (amount).


Item page

Click the item number (ID) in order to view the individual item page on your website.

To view an item page on Taobao you should click on SKU.



To view the item description click on the “i” icon.

A pop-up with description will appear.



Clicking on a vendor name takes you to the page that lists all goods of this vendor on your website.


Altering an order status

An item can be removed from the “Purchase” tab if the order changes its status. Let us consider the position of an item on the tabs in the table below:

  1. The “Purchase” tab with the appropriate statuses is shown in green.

  2. The table presents statuses that can be assigned to an item on the “Purchase” tab.



Awaiting payment



Purchase – Ready for purchase

Price confirmation




Goods quality inspection



Received at warehouse


Purchase - Purchased



Purchase - Purchased

Ready to ship


Purchase - Purchased



Purchase - Purchased



Purchase - Purchased

Returned to vendor



Impossible to deliver







To alter an order status of items you should select the desired items by putting a mark in the checkbox to the left of an item number (the selected item will be highlighted in yellow):

Or tick the checkbox in the table header if you need to select all items on a page automatically.

Click the “Change status” button which is located above the table.

Select the status you would like to assign to selected items from the dropdown menu that appears (in the example below: Received at warehouse).

Once you’ve clicked all selected items will change the status to that one you have just chosen and go to the “Purchased” section.



This section of the “Purchase” tab shows items with the following statuses:

  1. Received at warehouse.

  2. Packing.

  3. Ready to ship.

  4. Shipped.

  5. Received.


This section is purely informational. Here you can find the items that have already been in stock at warehouse or proceeded to the next steps of order fulfillment.

The status or configuration of items listed in this section cannot be changed. If you need to change the status or configuration of an item you should navigate to the “Items” tab.


Item information

This section includes the item list. Each item contains the following:

  1. Order and item number.

  2. Item status.

  3. Photo.

  4. SKU.

  5. Vendor name.

  6. Item configuration (color, size in the language of the administrative area and in Chinese).

  7. Weight.

  8. Price.

  9. Quantity.

  10. Total (amount).


Item page

Click the item number (ID) in order to view the individual item page on your website.

To view an item page on Taobao you should click on SKU.



To view the item description click on the “i” icon.

A pop-up with description will appear.



Clicking on a vendor name takes you to the page that lists all goods of this vendor on your website.


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