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Check availability of "Search by photo" modules

Used method GetProviderInfoList.

There is ImageSearch block in each provider supporting search by photo. There are two attributes IsAvailable and IsEnabled inside ImageSearch block 

  • If block is available and IsAvailable is true, then search by photo is available in this provider.
  • If IsEnabled is false then this module is not enabled for your key.
  • If IsEnabled is true then this module is enabled for your key, and you can search by photo.


It is necessary to activate new search methods for each provider when module is purchased.

Go to: http://open-demo.otcommerce.com/ik.php

Enter your Instance Key:

Enter login and password that were received with the key:

Follow instructions described in section "Search for items  Add into active search methods»

Search by photo

Search by photo is done using usual standard methods BatchSearchItemsFrame and SearchItemsFrame with the use of ImageUrl or ImageFileId parameters. Read more about them in documentation "Search (OT API)" in table "Search options and conditions".

It is recommended to also explicitly indicate in search parameters of a particular provider that is being searched by photo if you have more than one provider.


Example namexmlParameters value
Search by photo on Taobao
Search by photo on 1688

Please note that examples will not work if there is no provider or "Search by photo" Module for this provider.

  • Нет меток